Chapter Twenty-Six

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Dark looked up from his work as the splintering of the front door made him jump. Pausing for a moment, he heard Chica start barking, wincing when there was a whine, then the scramble of her nails on the floorboards. She had run off. Great, Google was here, and much sooner than he thought he'd be. Going to the door, he hesitated, hearing nothing. Google could be right outside the door for all he knew, but he needed into the office, to shut him down remotely. He could dart out, and risk getting killed, or having Google slip past him, and kill his subject.

Growling, he realized his predicament. How could he get past that literal killing machine?

Unfortunately, Dark didn't have much longer to think. A hand burst through the door, grabbing his collar, and with a yelp, he was flung forward, through the door, and into the wall. He hit it with a sickening smack, and the crunch of bone. He crumpled on the floor in a heap.

Flexing his hand, Google stepped through the broken door, glowing eyes now on the child, strapped to the table, several tubes running out of them. He stepped over, gaze flickering for a moment. Recognition, of something. A memory. Whatever it was though, it was gone as soon as it arrived.

The child before Google remained still, except for the rise and fall of their open chest, heart beating in their chest. Google watched the lungs expand, then decompress. Reaching forward, he touched the child's chin, moving their head to study them a little more. 

"Familiar..." he murmured, frowning, then shook his head, wincing.

Finish the job.

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