Chapter 20

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A month later (Seo-Yun POV)

This was it.

It was midnight. The power was off for tonight, so the security system would be down as well. Everyone was asleep, except for me and Rose. We had our stuff packed. We slowly sneaked out our windows, not waking our roommates. We met at the front gates, as quickly and quietly as we both could. 

Rose helped me over the fence first. I took our backpacks as she threw them over the fence. She climbed over them herself. We took our backpacks and ran down the long driveway. We finally reached the road, but it would be walking all night to get to the city. We had to. We simply followed the road, taking a break every two hours. 

The sun was rising as me and Rose finally reached the city. By this time, Hyuk would wake up and soon discover that we're gone. We walked into our street, and up to my apartment building. Finally, Rose spoke. ''We made it.'' she said, clearly relieved. I let out a breath, but I didn't even know I was holding it. I couldn't even thank Rose. She walked away, to see her own family. I smiled. We're free now. 

I walked in and into the elevator. The elevator stopped at my floor. We got out and walked to my apartment door. I ran the bell. The door opened to reveal Taekwoon is only his sweatpants, still too tired to understand I was standing in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. It took him several minutes to understand I was in front of him. 

After we both had a mug of coffee, and my whole story was told to him, we just held each other. I missed my brother so much. He was still sobbing on my shoulder. ''I find you...but I failed you...I'm so sorry!'' he said, his voice shattered. I simply held him. This wasn't his fault. Nothing was his fault. ''Please Woonie, this is not on you. I'm sorry I ran away.'' I said, rubbing his back. 

A loud bang in the hallway sounded. We looked up. No, please not. Someone banged on the door. Taekwoon held me close to his chest as the door finally broke down. Hyuk, holding a gun in his left hand and an unknown man standing beside him. They both took steps towards me and Taekwoon. 

Hyuk placed the gun against Taekwoon's forehead as the other man grabbed me and pulled me away. I screamed as Hyuk hit the side of Taekwoon's head with the gun. I squirmed and cried into the arms of the other man as Hyuk kicked and punched Taekwoon to the point he was bleeding. Hyuk eventually stopped, his knuckles slightly bruised and his breath heavy. 

''Hoseok! Take her away.'' Hyuk said as he looked at Taekwoon's bleeding face. The other man, Hoseok, dragged me down the staircase in the building. He pulled me out of the building and into the back of a van. I tried to climb out, but he closed the doors. ''Hey! Let me out! Don't kill my brother!'' I cried, slamming my hands against the doors. 

After what felt like hours, I heard the doors open and two people get into the van. I looked through the small window and saw Hoseok in the driver's seat. Hyuk sat in the passenger's seat, putting his dirty gloves into his pocket. I slid down against the wall, tears falling from my eyes. ''Don't cry. Someone won't like to see you like that.'' Hyuk said through the small opening in the window. I looked up with my wet cheeks. 


Two Faced | C.HYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora