Chapter 24

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Seo-Yun POV

The silence was almost unbearable. The way Hakyeon fiddled with the chains of the handcuffs, an obvious cut on his arm, his orange jumpsuit with a few stains. He looked tired and upset. I was told not to feel sorry for him no matter what, but it was almost impossible. I focused my gaze on my lap.

''You owe me an explanation.'' I said, looking back up in his eyes. Hakyeon nodded. ''I know that.'' I bit my lip, looking at the small paper I had to not forget what I wanted to ask. I took a deep breath. Go for it.

''How many girls did you do this to before me?''

''6 other girls, in two years.''

''What happened to them?''

''Sold to clubs when I was done with them.''

''Was I going to be the next one?''


His answer surprised me. ''Why not?'' I asked confused. ''Because I wanted to get out of that world. I was done with it after I met Hyuk. But I still had to pay for some depts. After that, I would've let you go. Unless you wanted to stay of course.'' Hakyeon said. I had learned to read this man like a book. And right now, he was telling me the truth.

''How did you get yourself into this?''

''I was dating a girl who cheated on me. I caught her in the act and suddenly the guy gave me money and left. I thought easy money, and she didn't have a problem with it as long as I was still hers. But after a while she said she was done with me and left. I looked for other girls to do her work. Until I saw you.''

I kept my gaze at his face. He kept looking me in the eye, no stuttering or any weird movements. He was telling the truth. I heard him sob, and noticed the tears that got into his eyes. ''I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done to you, I'm sorry for what Wonshik and Hongbin did to Jaehwan, and I'm so so so sorry for what Hyuk did to your brother.'' He said, his voice eventually cracking.

I got up from the seat. ''I'll come back when I can, okay?'' was the only thing I said before the officer opened the door of the room. I was about to walk out. ''I love you.'' Hakyeon said, his voice cracking with every word. I left the room, tears in my eyes. I almost couldn't believe my ears.

He meant it.

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