Chapter 33

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Seo-Yun's POV

The awkward silence between me and Hakyeon was getting unbearable. Luckily, I almost finished my second drink and I was waiting for the alcohol to loosen me up a little bit. Hakyeon finally cleared his throat to get my attention. I looked at him, finishing my second drink.

''So...did you finish your therapy?'' he asked carefully. I smiled and nodded. ''I did, and it really helped. was your time in prison?'' I asked, also carefully. Hakyeon's eyes focused on the table. ''It was...hard. But I made it. Rehab was also hard, but I feel better than ever.'' He said, slowly looking back up.

I smiled a little. He looked much happier to me. Not fake happiness, but real happiness. ''Say you can ever give me a second chance?'' he asked carefully. ''Hakyeon, what you did to me really damaged me. Mentally and physically. I want to give you a second chance, but...I'm not going to rush into anything now.'' I said, looking away.

He nodded. ''I know I don't have the right to say it, but I really missed you...the feelings you gave me, no one ever made me feel that way...'' he said, his voice soft. I sighed. ''Please, give me time okay?'' I sort of begged. He nodded again. ''I promise you, I'll show you that I've changed. Take all time you need.'' He said with a smile. I smiled back.

It became late quickly. Hakyeon paid for the drinks and walked me home. He told me more about the life in prison. How people looked, what kind of horrible things had happened, the things he had seen. He tried his best to protect the friends that he made. He met one man who had to sit one year more than him, but he was innocent and brutalized in prison by the other inmates. It were horrible stories.

He dropped me off in front of my apartment building. ''I better say goodbye here. I don't think Taekwoon will be happy if he sees us together.'' Hakyeon said and scratched the back of his neck. I nodded. ''Well, it was nice to see you again. I'll text or call you, okay?'' I said with a small smile. He nodded happily before he walked away.

I walked into my apartment building and took the elevator up to my floor. I pulled out my phone and texted Hakyeon 'goodnight' before turning it off. I sighed, still mentally debating if I should give him that second chance that he wants...

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