Heart ache

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sonics prov

I decided it was best to check Eggmans base the one near the falls. I can't believe Scourge has my- I mean he has Shadow.. I don't even care if this is some kind of trap! I just want shadow back! And I want him back now!! Before things get ugly....

I arrived at Eggmans base. I walked inside. If shads is here he's probably in the jail cell down stairs in the basement.. So I quietly walked to the stair well. Once I got downstairs I looked around. I could hear someone whimpering? I fallows the sound...

AWWW there he is! Shadow is here but in the jail cell.. But he's curled up in a corner. The poor thing

"Uh hi shadow..." I said

He turned his head a bit to look at me. He quickly turned away whimpering louder.

"Shadow it's okay. It's me Sonic." I smiled softly

"S-Stay away f-f-fro-m me...your-r not S-Soni-c-c....." He stuttered

"But shadow it really is me!" I said opening the cage door. Oh wow green idiot forgot to lock the cell. As I walked in I could hear him sobbing. What did Scourge do to him? I have never seen Shadow like this. NEVER. It's like he broke him emotionally maybe mentally?!

I kneeled down beside Shadow. "Shadow relax please. I swear it's me and I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to save you."

"Really?" I heard that stupid voice say behind me.

I stood up on my feet.
"What did you do to him." I said with anger

"Hehe~ oh not much.. He was like my sex slave. " He snickered

I growled at him walking out of the jail cell. "You rapped him?"

"Rapped, hit him a bit. Convinced him I was you~ till he finally broke."

I stared at him with no emotion. Then I laughed at him. He looked back at me confused to why I'm laughing at his shity face!! Oh wait I any really say that cause he looks like me! Oh well I don't give fuck!!

"You are laughing why....?" Scourge asked

"Why? Hehe well why did you harm MY Shadow?! HES MINE!! AND FUCKING MESSED HIM UP!" I stopped laughing and yelled at him.

"Haha! Blue he's not yours! He never was an never will be yours sonic. He doesn't LOVE YOU!!! I mean look how he's so afraid of you?" He pointed at shadow. Shadows covering his ears and shaking.

(I'm terrible at writing fighting parts so yeah XD )

" THATS BECAUSE YOU MADE HIM AFRIAD OF ME YOU SICK BASTARD!" I spin dash at him constantly. He tried to block me but got him down. I then unrolled my self grabbed scourge by the collar of his jacket punched him in his face a couple times till he caught my fist with his hand and flipped me off him. He then got up spin dashed at me. I flipped up from the floor to stand up again. I put out my hands. When scourge came at me I stopped him from spin dashing at me. I kicked him away from me. He flew back and hit his back agents the metal bars of the jail cell. I ran at him at full speed. Once I was close enough I was about to bash his head agents the metal bars but he moved away.

"WHAT THE HELL BLUE!!! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!!" He yelled kneeling down on the floor.

"That's the point GREEN. " I said smiling at him.

He looked at me a bit scared. He then reached in to his jacket pocket and took out a ring. "Alright then good luck with that but I gotta go!! LATER BLUE!!"

The ring grew bigger. Scourge jumped into the ring then that ring disappeared.

"Pussy...." I said growling

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