What Do I do???

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I looked around frantically to make sure no one else was watching. Luckily there was no one there. I still couldn't believe it, there was an EGG in my locker.

As I stared at it I wondered what kind of egg it was, it looked quite strange. It wasn't any kind of egg I knew of.

Suddenly I heard footsteps, I slammed my locker closed and turned on my heels. It was my friend Natalie.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, a little concerned.

"I um," I said nervously. "I'm just... Not in a good mood right now.."

"Why not? Did something happen?" She asked, more concerned than before.

"It's... Complicated," I said simply. "Anyways I'd better be going now, my mom's probably wondering where I am, school ended 20 minutes ago."

"I-... Okay... Just let me know if you need to talk to someone," she said. With that I turned on my heels and began heading towards the door.

Obviously I can't just leave the egg there, I'll come back to get it when I'm sure she's gone. I headed into an empty classroom and stayed there for a few minutes, waiting for her to leave.

Once I was sure she was gone I headed back to my locker and opened it. I carefully picked up the egg and placed it in my backpack. I walked home, the thought of the mysterious egg unable to escape my mind.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now