To Raise A Dragon

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After the Dragon Spirit disappeared, my eyes changed back to their natural blue and time resumed. The only change was that I now had knowledge of the dragon culture, an interesting culture. I realized there was much I had to teach Peyton.

With that knowledge, I walked out of the bathroom and went to my next class. My mind racing with new knowledge.

After school ended I rushed home. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and opened the closet door. Peyton came running out, flailing her wings.

"Mikacoushi!" I said sharply, meaning 'calm down' in dragon language.

Peyton folded her wings and looked at me surprised. I simply grinned.

"Peyton, you need to learn to fly." I said in a smooth, yet demanding voice. The dragon simply sat there looking up at me.

I picked her up and placed her on the edge of my desk. She simply stood there with her wings spread out, waiting.

"Si.... No..... Li!!!" I said, and with that Peyton ran off of the desk and spread her wings out. She flew for a little bit... And then she crashed into my wall.

We did that over and over again until she was able to smoothly fly around my room. As swift as the wind.

"Squaa!!" Peyton said happily. I simply smiled and looked at her. This is going to be fun, I'm raising a dragon, an actual dragon.

Suddenly Amber came into my room. In one swift movement I dived under my bed, taking Peyton with me.

I poked my head out, "Hi Amber."

"Um what are you doing?..." She asked perplexed.

"Um... Homework?.."

"Uh ok well anyways I just came in here to tell you that our cousins Abby and Samantha are coming into town tomorrow," she informed me.

"Oh, ok," I said, constantly making hand signals under the bed signaling for Peyton to be quiet.

"I... I'm gonna go now..." She said, obviously judging me.

"Okay," I said, and with that she left. I climbed out from under the bed phew that was a close one.
Peyton flew out from under my bed. "Squaaaa!!!!" She said happily.
I sighed, "I don't know how I'm ever gonna raise this thing without anyone finding out...."

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