Not So Bad?..

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I stared at the dragon. It was a dragon... An actual baby dragon... On my bed.... The dragon made strange noises as I paced around my room.

"Ag I can't keep this thing but at the same time I can't exactly just let it go onto the streets...." I said in a panicked voice.

"Allison!!!" My mom shouted from downstairs. "Dinner's ready!!!"

"Uh coming mom!!" I yelled back. I picked up the baby dragon and shoved it into my closet.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, a panic struck look on my face, we ate dinner casually and went back upstairs. I decided to go to bed, trying to forget about the dragon in my closet, from which I could hear light snoring.

Despite the panic in my mind I somehow was able to fall asleep. I dreamed about a strange land, mountains filled with dragons of different kinds, me riding my own dragon, an icy blue dragon with intense eyes.

The next morning I woke up to a shuffling sound coming from my closet. I opened the door only to see the dragon jumping around in there.

I sighed and looked at it confused. I picked it up and held it in front of me.

"Sqaaaa!" The dragon said happily, I couldn't help but smile. It was actually sort of cute.
I set it down on my bed and looked at it. "I guess I should give you a name," I said, still confused. "Hm... How about... Peyton?"
"Squaa!!" She said happily and flailed out her wings.
"Haha ok," I laughed, maybe having a dragon won't be so bad after all.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now