The First Icicle

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I walked back inside to make myself some lunch. I wonder if I'll ever see that guy again, probably not but maybe... Just maybe.

"Rraaaawwwwrrr," Peyton roared.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked.

"Rawr!!!!!" She roared again.

I looked out the window and sure enough there was a dragon, a fire dragon. The same one from this morning. "Are you kidding me!?!" I shouted at the dragon.

The dragon forced its way into my house. Peyton roared and so did the fire dragon, it seemed as if it would be a full on dragon battle, however Ein was no where to be seen.

Peyton lunged towards the dragon, he sharp teeth baring threateningly. The dragon breathed fire right onto her wing, however somehow Peyton wasn't phased, it only made her more mad.

She growled menacingly at the dragon, her icy breath began to circle around in a spiral. I watched as it solidified into snow, and then ice. It was an icicle.

I stood there amazed as I watched the icicle, as if by magic, point towards the fire dragon. It floated in midair and it seemed like it would shoot towards the fire dragon any second.

Swoosh! The icicle was flying through the air, pointing towards the fire dragon. It missed him, but only by a smidge. Next time she wouldn't miss.

The dragon looked mortified. He ran out the door and began flying away.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon