Something to Hide

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Soon I made it home and went straight up to my room. I took the egg out of my backpack and placed it on my bed. I felt delusional, I couldn't tell if this was real or not... My mind filled with panic as I paced around my room.

"What do I do???" I said panicked, I looked at the egg. "Why an egg???" I asked perplexed. I looked at the purple egg and suddenly it started shaking, I stared at it fearfully as it began to hatch.

The egg rattled and shook, soon there was a fine crack down the side of it. It began to crack more, I it was hatching, I didn't know what to expect.

As it cracked more I began to see a small hole form in it, I could see something blue inside. Soon a blue head popped out, I couldn't tell what it was yet but it had scales and horns that looked like ice.
Soon it stepped out of the egg. I could see it clearly now, it had icy wings, scaly horns and intense blue eyes. It looked to be made completely out of ice. As if ice crystals made up it's entire body. I stared at it, unable to believe my eyes. It was a dragon.

"Squaaaa???" The dragon said in a high pitched voice. I stared at it bewildered, it was a dragon, an actual dragon.

"What the?...." I said not believing what was right in front of my eyes. "What... Are you?..."

"Squa!!!" The baby dragon said happily. Its icy breath gave me goose bumps as the dragons wings stretched out comfortably. What have I gotten myself into???

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now