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Hey so before I write this chapter I just wanted to do a quick update, I'll probably start making the chapters a little longer. On a side note, I don't really know what to do with my other story "A Galaxy From Afar," I probably won't end up continuing it.

I began getting ready for school as I kept a close eye on Peyton; the icy dragon that now lives in my house. Man never thought that would be my reality, a dragon living in my house.

I went into my closet and set some blankets on the floor, I placed Peyton in there and locked the door.

When I went downstairs to get some breakfast I was met with my older sister Amber. "Hey sis," she said casually as she ate her bacon.

"Oh hey," I said, goose bumps going down my arms, a result from Peyton's icy breath.

"Are you okay sis?" She asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was just a little cold in my room last night," I grabbed some bacon and went upstairs.

I opened the closet and gave Peyton some bacon, she ate it happily, her wings flailing out.

I sat at my desk and ate my breakfast, looking in the mirror at my hair, neatly tied back in a bun.

I went into the bathroom and did my makeup.... Messing up the eyeliner as always.

"Bye Peyton!" I whispered as I walked out the door and downstairs. I grabbed my bag and began walking to the buss stop.

Once at school I walked to my locker, to my horror there was a glowing note inside it, all I could make out was: "the book.... Beware of the book..."

The message was glowing a strange blue as if put there by magic, although considering I had a dragon at my house that shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

I decided to ignore the message, grab my books, and go to class as usual. As soon as I walked into my first class, an unsettling feeling came upon me. I felt like I was being watched. I looked around frantically but everyone seemed to be minding their own business.

I sat down at my desk, the feeling shrouding over me as the class went on. My stomach was in knots and I was unable to focus.

As soon as class ended I practically sprinted out and into the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and began to panic. "Ah it's probably nothing but still that feeling... It's just so unsettling.. And it won't go away!!!"

I thought about the book... There's no way this has anything to do with that book... Right?....

Suddenly a loud noise can be heard from outside the stall, no one else seems to hear it but I can tell I'm not imagining it.

"Scraaaalll!!", the noise was piercing my ears, my heart beating as fast as a cheetah going in for the kill.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now