A Dragon's Power

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After we ate breakfast I went outside with Peyton. It's always nice just to stand by the pond and enjoy the breeze.

"Raaawwwrrrr," Peyton roared, standing over the horizon. I smiled. She looked so majestic at that moment, like nothing could touch her.

Suddenly she ran up to me and threw me on her back. She flew up to the peak of the mountain, both of us looking over the landscape. I felt invincible.

"Wow...." I uttered, amazed by how beautiful the landscape was. The trees a lively green, the pond had the clearest water. How I didn't notice this before I don't know, but at that moment, with the wind blowing past us, I felt like if we stayed together we could do anything.

Suddenly, I saw something in the distance. Maybe a cloud? No it was too long.... It slowly dawned on me that it was a twister, and it was heading straight to my house.

"Peyton..." My voice shaked, not knowing what to do. I wasn't going to let our home be blown apart.

Suddenly as if out of instinct, Peyton flew towards the twister, she began flapping her wings. They created a powerful gust of wind counteracting the tornado. I could see it as clear as day, the twister was tearing apart.

Soon a powerful gust of wind washed over us, it almost knocked me off of Peyton, however when I looked up again, the twister was gone.

I looked at Peyton in awe, she roared and her eyes squinted as if she were smiling. It wasn't until now that I realized just how she was. She had just single handedly taken down one of Earth's most destructive natural disasters.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن