My New Life

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Me and Peyton grew up together, all the while keeping her a secret from the rest of my family. I moved out of the house 2 years ago and I now live in a small house beside a mountain with my best friend, Peyton.

I'm having a great dream when all the sudden I hear beep, beep, beep. I refuse to get up but then I remember I'm off work today, I sit straight up and yawn. I thought today was gonna be a great day.... Until I heard crashing noises from the kitchen.

"Peyton!!! I told you not to raid the fridge!!!" I shouted.

I hear a slightly high pitched roar come from the kitchen as Peyton runs into my room and pins me to my bed.
"Peyton!!!" I laugh as the dragon breathes her icy breath on me. Then suddenly, I felt a feeling I hadn't felt since the 8th grade; I felt like I was being watched.
"Mikacoushi," I whisper to her, beckoning her to be quiet. She gets off of me and looks around.

I quickly stand up. "Who goes there?!" I demand. Suddenly a shadowy figure steps out from the shadows. Peyton growls.

As the figure gets closer I begin to see that it's a man dressed in dark clothing. He almost looks ghoulish, and his eyes, they're the most intense blue I've ever seen. I glare at him.

"Hello," says the man in a cold, hard voice.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"Why don't you remember me Allison? It's me, Ein." He says coyly.

"EIN??? Why are YOU here you good for nothing cheater!?!" I exclaim.

"Now now, calm down Allison, we're not in high school anymore," he says, as if that would change anything.

"I. Don't. Care."

"Whatever," he says. "Me and my friend have some buisness to do with you."

"Your friend??? How can YOU have any friends????"

Suddenly something begins to step out of the shadows. Fire burns on its wings and it's eyes pierce into my soul. It's a full grown fire dragon.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now