The Book's Powers???

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"Well I don't know where that book is, and even if I️ did there's no way I would tell you." I said, anger boiling in my body.

"Tell me!" He said angrily. Peyton positioned her claws just a centimeter away from his throat, he froze.

"Tell me what you know about the book," I demanded.

"Ugh.... The book has the power to chose the right person; a person mentally strong enough, to raise a dragon. The book's responsible for keeping dragons alive." He said unwillingly.

"And why would you want it? It already gave you a dragon egg, surely it wouldn't give you another," I said impatiently.

"Maybe not," he stated. "But if I can find a way to manipulate its powers I can become the most powerful dragon trainer ever lived!"

"You monster, you're just a power hungry monster. Why would you even want to become that powerful?" I asked, demanding more answers.

Suddenly a loud crack can be heard, I spin my head around only to see that Ein's dragon has broken out of the ice. "Crud. Keep him there Peyton, I'm gonna try something."

The dragon roared, piercing through my very soul. "MIKACOUSHI!" I said, demanding for the dragon to yield.

It looked at me wide eyed, it's wings folding in on themselves. The dragon simply stared at me in shock.

"What are you doing dragon?!?" Ein demanded. The dragon simply sat there, surprised I knew their language.
I grinned. "Just a little something I picked up. Now leave here dragon, and take him with you," the dragon went and picked up Ein, threw him onto its back and flew away.

Peyton stared at me in awe, I grinned. "Honestly I wasn't expecting that to work," I said as Peyton breathed her icy breath onto my hand. "But I'm sure glad it did," I said relieved.

An Icy Dragon's Fire: book oneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant