A Pesky Portal

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For the next few days, while practicing his music, Garrett thought about Twilight. He just couldn't help it. Now felt like the perfect time for him to tell Twilight his feelings for her. He didn't care if he sounded like an idiot if he told her. If he didn't tell her, he'd probably go crazy. After practice one day, he left the music room and walked on over to the castle where Twilight lived. He went to the front and knocked on the door. Spike opened the door. "Oh hey Garrett," said Spike as he looked at him. "Hey Spike," replied Garrett, "is Twilight home?" Spike nodded and said, "Yeah, she's here. Come on in." Garrett went in and closed the door behind him. Spike then walked into the library Twilight was in. "Hey Twilight," said Spike, "Garrett wants to see you." Twilight smiled and put her book down. She then saw Garrett, and he smiled.

"Hey Garrett," said Twilight, "what brings you here?" Garret replied, "I just wanted to see my favorite princess." This caused Twilight to blush and giggle. "All joking aside," said Garrett, "there's something I want to tell you." Twilight looked at Garret's cyan eyes, and asked, "What is it Garrett?" Before Garrett had a chance to say anything, a slight breeze stirred in the castle. "That's strange, it's not windy today..." said Garrett. Then Twilight and Garrett turned around and saw a small little black portal. "That's not supposed to be here..." said Twilight. Suddenly, the little black portal got bigger and more powerful as it suddenly started sucking Twilight in. This was scaring Twilight as she then used her wings to try and fly away from this mysterious dark portal. But to no avail. She clang onto the floor, trying desperately not to get sucked into this portal. "Garrett, help me!!!!" she cried. "I got you!" said Garrett as he took her hoof and tugged with all his might. "Somebody help!!!" he shouted. Well, he got Spike's attention. "Spike, get everyone else!" instructed Garrett as he kept on tugging, trying to get Twilight away from this portal. Well, Spike got Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity to come over. "Grab my tail and pull!" said Garrett, and Spike obliged, grabbing Garrett's tail and pulling. The other 5 ponies grabbed Spike and tugged as hard as they could. "We got you Twilight!" said Garrett.

"Garrett, I'm slipping!" Twilight said, frightened for her life. What if this would kill her? "We're gonna get you out of this, I swear!" said Garrett. But Spike's little fingers accidentally slipped from Garrett's tail, and the portal sucked Twilight Sparkle and Garrett Shimmer in. The portal then closed. Spike and the five ponies were saddened that all their efforts were but in vain, and terrified of what may happen to their dear friends. Inside the portal, Twilight and Garrett were screaming as they travelled inside. "Hold on tightly, Twilight!" Garrett said as he hugged Twilight and adjusted it to where if they landed, he'd at least break her fall. He'd let no harm come to his princess. Twilight held onto Garrett tightly. Then, they landed on the ground. Garrett was flat on his back. The wind was knocked out of Twilight.

"Twilight, are you okay...?" groaned Garrett. Twilight regained her composure, asking, "I'm okay... Garrett, how many horns do you see?" Garrett was seeing three of everything, and saw three of Twilight's horns. "Three?" asked Garrett in a dopey voice. "Close enough." said Twilight. Garrett soon noticed Twilight was on top of him. This caused them both to blush. Twilight got off of him, and Garrett got back off. They looked where they were. The area was dark, mysterious, and rather spooky. "This is bad," said Twilight.

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