Not in Equestria

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As Twilight and Garrett looked around this dark, mysterious, and frightening dimension, the unfamiliarity of this world was enough to creep the two out. "I got a feeling we're not in Equestria anymore," said Garrett, getting the willies. The howl of a wolf erupted from nowhere, causing them to jump. "No argument there," said Twilight, "I just hope that Celestia or Star Swirl or someone finds out about our disappearance and finds a way to get us back home." They looked around, it was foggy outside. No sign of any plant life or even water. "Twilight, I'm scared." confessed Garrett as he nervously looked around, feeling vulnerable. Twilight put her head on Garrett's neck in a cuddling/comforting gesture and said, "It's okay Garrett. We're all scared. My big brother always told me that being brave  is all about facing what scares you the most." Garrett smiled and said, "guess you'd have to be crazy not to be scared." This caused Twilight to giggle.

Suddenly, Twilight and Garrett heard nasty growling behind them. They turned around and saw a gang of dark grey wolves with claws and fangs that were razor sharp, and yellow eyes. They growled, hungry for meat. This caused Twilight and Garrett to scream. This caused the wolves to roar. The two then ran as fast as their hooves could carry them as the wolves chased them. "Wait a minute, you're an Alicorn, you can fly!" Garrett pointed out. "I'm not going to leave you behind!" replied Twilight as she ran with him. They ran until they were cornered at a dead end. "Death by Bunga-Bunga," said Garret as he looked at the dead end and the wolves cornering them, growling. What the two assumed was the leader of the pack of wolves walked up front, sniffing Twilight. "The princess..." growled the leader. Garrett then shouted, "leave her alone!" He then glared and used his horn to scratch the leader right in the face, causing him to yelp in pain. "Yeah, you want a piece of me?" asked Garrett as he went into a protective fighting stance, protecting Twilight, "I got a horn, and I ain't afraid to use it! Nobody messes with my girl!" Suddenly, he realized what he just said, and covered his mouth with an eep! That was embarrassing. "Do what you want with the colt," ordered the leader, "but leave the princess alive." The wolves then growled, ready to kill Garrett, but then, someone started yelling babbling things, and he whacked the wolves with his staff. "Back, back I say!" said the hooded figure, and the wolves backed away, scared of this crazy recluse. "Retreat!" ordered the leader, and he glared at Twilight, growling, "there's nowhere you can hide. We will find you..." He then ran off with the others.

"Whoever you are, thank you for saving us," said Twilight, looking at the stranger. Garrett recognized his voice and said, "Mr. Potato Head?" The hooded stranger turned around, and let down his hood. he was a giant anthropomorphic potato with a long beard, white long arms, a big red nose, pink ears, and blue feet. He was indeed Mr. Potato Head. "Garrett?" he asked.

"Dude!" said Garrett as he and Mr

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"Dude!" said Garrett as he and Mr. Potato Head hugged each other. "You know him?" asked Twilight. "Oh, Twilight, allow me to introduce to you an old childhood friend of mine," said Garrett, "this is Mr. Potato Head. Potato Head, this is Princess Twilight Sparkle." Mr. Potato Head shook Twilight's hoof as he said, "An honor, Madame." Twilight smiled and said, "the honor's all mine." Garrett looked at him and said, "Dude, how long have you been here?" Mr. Potato Head chuckled and said, "Oh, not that long. The beard's for comical effect." He then readjusted himself, and looked like his regular self.

" He then readjusted himself, and looked like his regular self

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"That's better," said Mr. Potato Head, "come on you two. It ain't safe out here. There's a cottage nearby you can use." Twilight and Garrett then followed Mr. Potato Head to the cottage. Meanwhile, in a dark castle of this dimension, the leader of the wolf pack entered. He then walked to a corner, stopping at the shadowed end. "Master..." growled the leader. From the shadows, a pair of menacing red eyes opened. A raspy, yet smooth, voice from the red eyes said, "what is it, my underling?" This was the leader's main master. "The princess known as Twilight Sparkle has arrived in this dimension, master;" replied the leader. He could see his master smile as he said, "good, good... I know you can recognize her scent. You will lead me to it,  bring your pack and wake my army of the undead. We will strike tonight!"

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