Meanwhile in Equestria...

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"What do we do?" asked Mr. Potato Head. "Perhaps we could talk to him in a reasonable fashion?" suggested Garrett. "I doubt he's a reasonable guy," said Mr. Potato Head. "Well, let's try," said Twilight as she opened the door. The three friends went outside, facing the Unmentionable and his army. "There's a good Alicorn," said the Unmentionable as he grinned. "You're him, aren't you? The Unmentionable?" asked Twilight as she tried to look brave. "I have been called many things, student of Celestia," he replied, "but you may call me Dark Heart!" Mr. Potato Head looked at Garrett and Twilight, then at Dark Heart. Then he started to chuckle. This puzzled Dark Heart, Twilight, and Garrett. "That's your name?" asked Mr. Potato Head, "Dark Heart? That's a clichéd villain name! What, was Mr. Bad Guy already taken? Oh look at me, I'm Dark Heart!" Mr. Potato Head then started getting into fits of laughter. Garrett then started to chuckle, as did Twilight. "SILENCE!" roared Dark Heart, "nobody mocks me and lives to tell the tale!"

Meanwhile in Equestria, the Mane 5 were trying all they could to find help to save Twilight and Garrett. "I could ask Discord for help," suggested Fluttershy. "I'm gonna find Sunset Shimmer, see if she can think up a spell to save Twilight and Garrett," said Spike as he readied himself to go to the portal where the human world was. "Good luck darling, be safe." said Rarity as she gave Spike a kiss on the forehead for good luck. Spike blushed and stroked the spot where Rarity kissed him. He then went into the portal, and soon he found himself in the human world, and was in his doggy form.

"Alright, I think I can track where Sunset is," thought Spike as he sniffed her tracks, hoping to find her

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"Alright, I think I can track where Sunset is," thought Spike as he sniffed her tracks, hoping to find her. After a couple minutes, he did manage to find Sunset in her locker room, in her human form. She was wearing the necklace with the picture of her and Garret when they were young that Rarity made. "Ah, there you are Sunset," said Spike as he panted. Sunset looked down, seeing Spike. "Spike? What are you doing here? Where's Twilight?" asked Sunset, realizing this was of course the dragon, and not his canine doppelganger. "That's what I'm here to tell you," explained Spike, "there was a small black portal that got big, it sucked Twilight and your brother inside, and it disappeared." Sunset's eyes widened. "My brother? Twilight? Where are they?" asked Sunset as she got more and more concerned, "Where did this portal take them?" Spike whimpered and said, "That's what we don't know. We need your help Sunset." She gently scratched his ears as she said, "don't worry Spike, I'll help you. Come on, let's go." She picked Spike up and then ran to the horse statue, and then entered the portal. Soon, they found themselves back in Equestria, in the place where the portal was. Spike was back in his dragon form, and Sunset was back in her unicorn form. The Mane 5 were waiting for them. "Good to see ya Sunset," said Rainbow Dash. "Well I'm more than happy to help," said Sunset as she and Spike walked to them, "come on, Twilight and Garrett need our help."

Meanwhile, back in the cursed dimension of Dark Heart, Mr. Potato Head, Twilight, and Garrett were still laughing, realizing that Mr. Potato Head was indeed right about Dark Heart having a clichéd villain's name. Megatron sounded more intimidating than that! After awhile, the three friends breathed in, the laughter ceasing. The leader of the dark grey wolves, who was Dark Heart's second in command/underling, cleared his throat and asked, "Are you done?" Mr. Potato Head smiled and said, "Yeah, we're done."

"Good," said Dark Heart, "now Princess Twilight Sparkle, surrender to me, and I may spare your friends. They might be my slaves for the rest of their miserable lives, but I will not harm them. Come and join me, electi mei." He offered his long, dark, clawed hand, reaching out to Twilight. But she would not succumb to his temptations and lies. She glared at him and said, "Never! I know that you lie Dark Heart, and I know you will kill me to use my power. And I will not let it happen!" Dark Heart glared and growled, "If you will not voluntarily surrender to me, then I will take your powers by force, even if I have to kill you myself! Destroy them, and show no mercy!!!" The army of darkness slowly stalked toward the three friends, with their claws open, their spears ready, and their fangs hungry to kill, as they cornered the three friends. "Okay, Plan A didn't work," said Mr. Potato Head, "anyone got a Plan B?"

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