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Hello there my name is Oh Sehun and I am a ...... Well I shouldn't tell you yet . Well this is a story from me to you .

" And Me !!!"

Shut up Luhan this is my story .

"Our story"

"Yea whatever . "

Anyways I hope you guys like It cuz I'm only gonna tell you once .

"Why not twice "

"Cuz I don't wanna now butt off "

" Well then I guess you won't be having dinner with the rest of us "

"Mianhae I didn't mean it I swear "

"We were gonna have cow too ,shame "


"Hahahah I'm joking Sehunna I know you get hungry at night so I prepared a special treat for you after dinner ^^"


"Only on one condition >:("

"What is it Lu ge ?"

"This story is gonna be in my point of view "

"What no way !!..... Hmm well I guess I can alternate from time to time ."

"Deal !!"

"See you after dinner then hehehehe"


Sehun's in a way POV

Sehun was always lonely ,no one loved him no one cared about him always in school cuz it was the only thing that kept him busy .The days past the years flew by and Sehun felt like he was just wasting his time .He just wanted to end it all maybe even his life . What was there for anyone to care about anyway , there was nothing. Maybe if he left and started over he would fine the normal life he always wanted instead of the shit he has now . No emotion ,no love , nothing . His family wouldn't even stop to ask him how his day has been not even a simple hello . It's not that they were ashamed of their son it's just that they didn't love him anymore like they did in the past . And I know that may sound weird but to Oh Sehun it was perfectly normal and depressing and he didn't want it anymore.

*으르렁 으르렁 대*

Sehun's phone went off causing him to jump from his seat .

"Shit that scared me! 0.0"

He picks up his phone annoyed because it won't stop ringing even though that was his favorite song he didn't want to listen to anything today.


"Hello Sehun it's mom "


Sehun was surprised his mom never called him not even to check if he was okay or not. Not even to say anything like a normal mom would say.

"Yea me and your dad are going to be out of town so stay out of trouble and behave ."


"Wow she didn't even say goodbye ."

Sehun locked his phone put it on vibrate and stuffed it in his backpack so no one else can bother him .

Still at school Sehun decided to skip class today and just head home since he didn't have a ride home and he didn't want to be walking home late.

"Why doesn't anyone love me." he thought to himself. " what did I do so wrong to make them hate me so much ? why couldn't I just have a normal family that cared about me making sure I ate well fell asleep early and the other things parents do. It's not fair that I have to live like this all by self ." Sehun was close to tears but he held it in . He knew this feeling all to well he knew how to control it. Make his face seem like he didn't care , he was expert at it .

While thinking to himself Sehun didn't notice where he was going or what he was doing .

"Where am I where is this place how the F*ck do I go back ."

Sehun looked every where but to no avail he didn't find any path that led out of this..Forest.

He decided to go deeper in, but what he found was the most randomest thing ever .

" why the hell is there a fence in the middle of nowhere !?"

He walked along the fence hoping to find an opening , but instead he found a big banner that read .


Sehun didn't understand ,Mystical Creatures didn't make any sense . He thought it was just a joke and hopped over the fence into the mysterious forest not caring about the world anymore , he just wanted to escape reality .

Luhan's in a way POV

(A/N this just means it's third person but in the view of Luhan or any other character)

Luhan was really bad at doing a lot of stuff he couldn't find fresh water to drink , he couldn't go on a look out correctly , he would either fall asleep or not pay attention, and worst of all he couldn't catch anything to eat for the group. But the thing he was really god at was luring creatures in with his beauty. No one could resist the adorable but some what sexy Luhan . Even in his human form the creatures of the forest would want him. This made it easier for the rest of the clan to pounce on them and eat them for dinner , so Luhan was happy with just that.


Luhan sniffs the air to find another prey to eat tonight . They were starving they hadn't had something to eat for at least 2 days now.

Still sniffing Luhan catches a scent of something he has never smelled near the forest in a long time .

" Omo " he smirks " Human"

Luhan runs on all four legs to catch up to the scent only to find a boy around his age sitting and soaking in his surroundings.He had no time to think he immediately changed into his human form .

Sehun POV


I turned my head like a cheetah . There standing was a pretty girl ....but she was naked...and had no breast....or ....oh shit ..It wasn't a girl at all it's a fucking naked male !

" Who are you !"I said standing while grabbing a stick from the ground.

I stepped closer to have a clearer vision of the male and it wasn't pretty it looked like he was ready to kill me at any time.

"I-I'm Luhan , I was stuck in this forest for weeks lost ,I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving,"

I didnt believe a word he said , anyone could tell he was lying . His body and face looked full and healthy,like the average person who eats every day, but he did look oddly hungry.I decided to play along even if I had food in my bag since I decided to skip lunch today but it's not like he's going to notice.

"Why don't we go look for food together."

He suddenly lifted his head and sniffed the air, and said," But you have food in your thing right there."

I looked to where he was pointing and looked at my bag.How the fuck did he know I had food in here you can't see it and I can't even smell it WTF?

" But I don't want what's In there." He continues " I want you!"

He suddenly started to sprint towards me . Freaked out I try to turn around and run away but tripped over a tree branch. On the floor scared I decided to turn around , but only to not see a beautiful boy, but to see a monstrous WEREWOLF.



Hello there random readers ^^ I hope you like the first chapter . It's not the original I had to rewrite this because my IPad died not cool. The first one was better -_-

Any ways please vote and comment it's highly appreciated I will make the 2nd chapt based on the comments

I mean how am I supposed to know if you like it or not if you don't tell me ^^

And remember random readers are always Chingus Saranghae <3

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