Chapter10: That's My Line Bitch Dont Steal It

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Sehun Pov:
" WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN NO ONE CAN SEE THIS PLACE " What is he talking about what's happening .
"I mean this place does not exist to the normal ones not this house not this tree standing next to you , and especially not this forest ." Luhan had his head down as he whispered quietly waiting for my reaction on this whole situation .
"What do you mean normal ones luhan . WHAT DOES THAT MEAN !!?"he winced at my screaming . I didn't mean to but , I can't control this feeling anymore .
"I mean... The humans . Humans can't see this place nor can they be in it . The only way you can is if ..." He doesn't finish . he just stops as if he was forced not to say it .
"IF WHAT LUHAN IF WHAT ! " I forced it out half yelling half quietly whispering .
"If You're one with the forest ,meaning, a mystical creature ."
2 days ago
Today is a lonely day. I miss my family , my friends . Who am kidding this is the happiest I've been in years , I mean this place even has wifi . This is my new home my new family even tho they are just a bunch of wild dumb dogs .

"Oh my fucking god " I squeeze my nose shut tight making sure that wretched smell doesn't seep in threw my sensitive holes ." all you guys smell like you've rolled in mud and your own shit !"
"Well that's rude ." Chanyeol said using his telepathic powers so I can hear what he's saying.
"We can't take baths in wolf form because , News flash loser we don't have thumbs or better yet hands to clean our fur ." Kyungsoo sarcastically stated threw his powers that I recently heard about everyone has .

Well they stink like shit so they should figure out something

We can here you you know

"Sorry .... Well if you want I can-"

"No ! " Luhan argues

"But you didn't let me-"

"NO! I know why your thinking so No ."

"It was just a suggestion jeez ." I huff out in response to his protest . he's such a meanie sometimes .

"It's not a bad idea , actually ."
All heads turn to Their pack leader with their faces having the expression as if to say " are you fucking crazy Wu Yi fan "
"I mean I've been itching for a bath for a long time .Jumping into a lake now and then doesn't really do the trick ."
It suddenly becomes quiet , with their facial expression conversing with each other , and they're leaving me out of it those whores .

"F-fine " luhan finally says .

"Yehet !" I say in accomplishment .
I thought Luhan would make fun of me for saying my childhood favorite word since he's the only one who looked at me when I said it,but all he does is give me a soft Wolfy smile . Which worries me . is he okay .
"Okay " I clasp my hands together ,everyone with grumpy faces turns to me . "who has Doggy Shampoo?"
"Dog Shampoo ?" They say in unison
"Yes dog shampoo . do you not know what that is ? "
"No" they say all together again expect for Kyungsoo and Luhan .
"Omg don't tell me I have to leave this place and go buy some do you ?"
They nod their head simultaneously .
I sigh
"Who has money ? "
"Ooh oh me me ! " Baekhyun scurries off somewhere in the forest and comes back with ₩3,600 in his dog mouth .
"Is this good enough? " He mouths me the wet paper .
"Yea it's perfect , thank you . Okay .. So who's gonna come with me !"
No one
"Are you fucking kidding me what type of map is this! " Stupid Kris and his drawing skills.
The map kris had drawn me was supposedly draw me out of the Forset and I followed the path perfectly I swear but I'm pretty sure I got lost in the part where kris drew some fucking koala carrying a halloween basket.
What the hell is that suppose to mean .
"You lost ?"
I turn back to the familiar voice .
"Yea I really am can you help me ."
Luhan comes out of the bushes and walks to me . Still in his wolf form he rubs his head on my thigh and it sends shivers through my spine .
"Your fur tickles don't do that ."
"Sorry , let me see the paper"
I hold out the paper in front of him and wait for his reply on the badly drawn map .
"Stupid Kris, that koala was totally unnecessary . "
Tell me about it, I thought .
"Yo man it's over here just follow me "
I follow him down a really long light lighten path , and finally to the end of the forest.
There it is . The fence .
"I should've stayed out when I saw that sign , damn my stubbornness ."
"Why would you say that ?"
I turn to luhan who has turned back into a really cute human . wait what ,cute?
"W-why wouldn't I ."
"Because if you did I would never have met you ."
We stare at each other to which seemed like forever but really was only like 5 seconds .
Looking away I start to climb the fence .
"That's true , I've never been happier meeting you guys ."
I ignored the fact that he only mentioned himself and not the others .
with a loud thump I land on the other side , it feels weird , I haven't been here for months now .
"Are you coming with or staying behind ? "
I look at luhan and see him smiling happily at me .
"W-what is it ? "
"Nothing "
He says as he jumps over the fence .
Show off .
"It's been Hours. Are you sure you know where you are going ."
"Nope ."
"What?! Luhan!!"
I grab him by his arm and forcefully turn him to me with a glare.
"Ouch! Well it's your fault you chose to follow me even tho you should know that I haven't been out there in the last couple of years ."
He was right how can I not remember that .
"So what now ? What are we going to do ?"
"We can camp out the night ." he suggested.
"In the forest ?!"
"Yes we're else . I can make shelter ."
"Fine but that shelter of yours better have a goddamn roof and walls or else I swear Luhan , I will stab you in the neck with a stick ."
"Ay ay cap'n ."

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