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Aishh I can't believe that just happened to me what the hell!
I couldn't even tackle someone that was literally a foot away from me ..I'm such an embarrassment .
"What the hell is wrong with you ?"
I turn to face the emotionless boy, only to find him giving me a weird look.
"Whaa , what am I doing "
"You keep scratching your self stop that !"
I don't have to listen to some little kid . I can scratch myself all I want.
"Ow what was that for!?!!?"
I lift my hand to caress the sore part on my head . It freakin hurts wth . It's not my fault these clothes are so goddamn itchy!
I get up from my sitting position and do my daily doggy stretch.
"Mmmmhmmm... Oh yea that felt good ."
I look at Sehun to see if he got up as well but he was just sittin there having a face like
-_-# 'what the fuck did I just see '.
"Are you gonna get up or nah . I can just leave you here to die and get raped by a local animal that's usual horny in the morning me it happens" a stretch out my hand so he can grab it, but he slaps it away and says he can get up him self .
A grab my hand and place it at my chest and gasp at him ..omo rude much .
I watch him as he carefully gets up only to go back on the ground again. His face scrunched in pain .
"Let me help you it looks like you twisted you ankle when you tripped."
"It's fine"he said "I can get up my self"
"I'm not gonna take no for an answer if THE Luhan wants to help you you better be goddamn grateful cuz it's never gonna happen again!!"
I grab his arm but not too hard not to hurt him and place it over my shoulder .
"Get on "I said" I'll take you to my family "
He hesitantly clinged on to me . Hiding his face in my neck I turn to see what was wrong and I saw his ears were super red .
Awww he's so cute I thought . I never asked how old he was tho.
"Hey" I said as I walked further Into the familiar forest.
"Mmm" said the latter indicating that he was listening to the other.
"How old are you ?"
"15" he said with one breath into my neck.
It send shivers down my spine . This is not right .
He was only younger than me by 4yrs.
"You're young "I said "a freshman in Highschool too huh"
"Yea " he says in a low whisper "what about you"
It send shivers down my spine again I swear this boy.
"I'm 19 ..I would have been graduated from Highschool already "
"I thought you didn't know about the world outside the forest." He says picking up his head .
I pout at his sudden action and answer him .
"I have a friend who does and he told me all about his time as a human and school and the first friend he got.
It was pretty interesting but I dozed of in the middle of it ....only hearing about what comes after elementary and what age you get in to middle school and Highschool and when you get out.
It was a bit sad considering he has only been to middle school but he didn't seem to mind .. The only thing he missed was his best and only friend and he felt sad leaving him , but other than that he didn't regret anything ."
I talked so much I didn't notice that we were already here .
"We're here "
I turn to look at him and his face was filled with excitement .
I can see why I mean my place is quite beautiful I don't really want to explain it so just picture the Niagra falls with a a bunch of green trees and beautiful rare unseen do you picture that ? Ok just picture living in a place were there was no human to destroy the land plants naturally grow without a gardener bees and insects flying around the beautiful flowers to feed their families and help their colony survive . Falling asleep to the sounds of the crickets at night ,and waking up in the morning to the voices of the beautiful birds that sing you a peacefull melody.
Or really just picture a Disney movie . Yeah my friend had a thing for Disney movies too. Princess Disney movies .
"Come on let's go inside I can treat your foot in there ."
"Wait ....wha-what if I get eaten by one of them ."
"what ?" I chuckled "I'll tell them not to so stop being a little pussy and come on."
I walk towards the small modern home surprisingly we live in a human home.
"Hey you guys I'm back ....(smirk)"
"And I brought dinner!!!!!!!!"
I bite my lip to hide my laughter and turn to him with a serious face .
"What did you expect I'm a werewolf and you are simply a weak human ."
His face went pale ....he was whiter than snow . Shit not good I should apologize .
"Dude it was a joke haha I'm just playing . They won't eat you if I tell them You're a friend that's what happen to D.O"
I set him on the couch in the living room . I watch as a small tear rolled on his cheek.
Shit this isn't the way I wanted things to go.
I wipe away the tear with my thumb and stroke my hand through his hair.
It seemed to work because he became calmer almost immediately .
"I'm sorry ." I said again.
"What's with all the loud noise I was still sleeping ......WTF Luhan where were you we were looking all over for you."
"I went to look for food Chanyeol Ah"
(A/N I didn't know which character to put but I was about to type kris when all of a sudden Chanyeol starts to rap because I'm listening to 'BABY DONT CRY' so it just sorta happened lol .)
The taller finally turned his gaze from me to the frightened little boy sitting on the couch.
"WOW hyung Im Surprised you actually caught something !!! Great job !!!"
Sehun's face became more pale'r than before .
"NO !! This isn't to eat he's a new friend I found lost in the forest.!!"
"Woa calm your tits haha "
The latter came closer with that big toothy grin of his . If it wasn't for that face you would think he was an innocent boy but really he could kill at least 7 persons at once . And just from a single bite.
"Hi" he says speaking to Sehun " My name is Chanyeol Park Chanyeol"he said with a James Bond voice .seriously this boy is too much .
"And you are ~?"
"He's Sehun ...he's still a little bit frightened about before ." I said while holding the younger's hand .
(A/N I am so hungry ohmygawd :0 )
"HAHAHAHAHAHA it's okay little bro a friend of Luhan's is a friend of the whole family ."
"I-I-I-I'm n-n-not frightened a-any m-more" he finally spoke .
"Huh" me and chanyeol said in unison.
"I-it's just th-that "
"Just what boy ..spit it out " chanyeol said a bit annoyed of the boys stuttering.
"It's j-just that you're n-naked"
Chanyeol looks down and doesn't seem to know what the problem is then averts his eyes to the smaller and notices he has his body covered.
"Haha that's not right I mean Luhan -"
He turns to me and finally notices that I'm also wearing the mysterious thing covering my whole body.
"Well......... Now I'm embarrassed ."
There was a bit of silence that filled the room Sehun looking anywhere else the the giants ...uh....package? (Lol) and me just staring ....
"Yea!!! He's back and he brought a friend . He's so cute >.<!!"
All of a sudden a group of 8 boys come inside throughout the door .
I watch Sehun's surprised and even paler than before face .
I laughed so hard . All the members looked at me weirdly but only Channie understood .
I noticed Chanyeol biting his lip too keep from laughing also .
"Did we miss something?"
"Haha it's nothing .... Where's D.O "
"He went to the waterfall for a drink of water . He'll be back soon "
All the members made way to the very uncomfortable boy sitting on the couch and introduced them selves one by one .
Omg I hoped you liked it
And when I said 8 boys I don't want you to do the math so uhh there was Sehun Luhan and Channie so that's 3 plus 8 makes 11
And no Kris is in here I would never do such a thing lol Dyo remember went to the falls . ^^ OT12 forever you know haha .
Any ways I suddenly became Hungry while typing this so I just had to share ....I'm not hungry anymore ....weird haha
Please comment and vote please I appreciate it .
And thankyou for reading the supper boring story it will get better...
I hope

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