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So if you haven't noticed my system for updating is 30 views or more and then I'll update ^^ it might take awhile for me to do so and I noticed I haven't update in at least 1 month and I feel like a shit face right now -.- and I barely just watched The Fault in Our Stars and OMG shits sad af cannot handle ASDFGHJKL well
Kyungsoo POV

People say treat people how you want to be treated . But if someone treats you like shit you are usually scared to treat them like crap back right. Well not for me , I am the shit . So don't mess with me .

"Kyungsoo when are you going to stop being nice with Sehun already." Luhan asked when he came into Chanyeol's room which I was now his roommate along with Kris because senshine took mine. That's what I call him now because he just a little ball of joy .

"Right now actually , he needs to know the real me before he gets any ideas of trying to control me ." I smirk at him while I sit up from my bed .
"Okay cool " he says as he was about to close the door .
"This is gonna be fun." he shuts the door and leaves me wondering why I even joined their pack int he first place . They are all just idiots .

"Kyungsoo don't be mean to the new guy it's not right ." Chanyeol spoke from the other side of the room .
I glare at him and he immediately says sorry and turns back to his computer .
"Well he's being rude to me ,why not back ."
He sighs as I press play and continue to watch my movie on my iPad .
"Dinner is ready you turds hurry up and come . " I say to the 11 idiots in the living room as they say thanks and walk into the dining room . Sehun wasn't here though which was perfect . I guess it'll start now .

Sehun POV

What the hell did Luhan mean . I don't get it . I just don't get it .
It was time for dinner but I just wasn't hungry enough to eat . Thinking gets in the way of everything .
*knock knock *
I turn to the door and kick of the comforters from myself.
"Who is it ?" I ask
I open the door and on the other side stands a small make with the eyes of an Owl , and I got to admit he's cute .
"Hurry I'm done making the food , you should come eat ." he said with a smile on his face .
"I'm not really hungry . " I walk away leaving the door open so he can close it for me on his way out .
"Oh . really...." His voice went an octave lower and chills run through my whole body .
"Well aren't you just a lite ball of sunshine ." He says with the biggest smirk on his face.
"What?!" Why waste being like this . This isn't the Kyungsoo I know .
"Do you think just because I was being nice to you you can treat me this way ."
He says
"No I -"
"Shut up!" He cuts me off.
"Now come eat or else you ain't gonna eat for another week!" he was smart threatening me with food always works .
"O-okay" I stutter making me look stupid .

I stand up and walk quickly but not too quick , and with a little bit of awkwardness in the air.
He slams the door behind me and storms off. From behind he still looks cute.
Heading to the Dinner table I see all 11 wolves sitting down starting from , Big tall scary dude ,Luhan , Chanyeol , empty seat , Kyungie , then the guy with a square smile . And then it goes , the guy that looks like he's rich , Someone with really high cheek bones that looks like some type of dinosaur ,the other dude with one dimple that always looks high, a really cute boy that has single ,and then two tan people . Uhh I think it was Key and Tayo . I don't know forgot .
I walk towards them wanting to greet my self .
"Uh hi " I say to key .
he turns to me and just stares for a second.
"Hello , um I'm Kai , just incase you didn't know ." He sad grinning at me
"No I knew ." That my was a big fat lie .
"Oh and this is Tao ." He says point to the person next to him .
OoOoOh Tao . It all makes sense now .
"Hi uh Tao ." I say greeting him as politely as I could .
"Hello!" He waves at me eagerly . He has bags under his eyes is he okay?
"Woa Tao-ssi are you okay ?? Those are some big bags under your eyes ?!." I say insistently
Suddenly the whole room flood in Laughter , it was so loud I couldn't hear myself think .
"Wait what's happening , was it something I said ?!"
They all start laughing harder than the first time . Except Tao he seemed embarrassed . I walk to my seat next to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and Luhan pats my shoulder while reach over from the corner seat .
Luhan gives me a high five . I am so confused right now I don't even know , I mean even Kyungsoo is laughing .
"Sehun . These aren't bags ," he said covering his face .
"I was born like this ."
"Oh ... Sorry ." is the only thing I say before turning to see what food was made .
The laughter finally quiet down and Kyungsoo stated what we were going to eat today .
"Well it's not much just cow meat and pig intestines .... And Fried Chicken !!"
There was loud whoops and hollers from all over the place . Was it just me that wanted to gag.
"Uhh I don't think I can ea-" I started
"Nonsense !! Just think of it like a hot dog and hamburger meat ." Luhan states .
"O-okay" I say .
I cut a piece of the meat that Luhan set on my plate .
Everyone watching me on high alert is really weird .
I close my mouth at the end of the fork and take it back out . While starting to chew I can taste the delicious flavor starting to Escobar from the meat .
"Holy Shit this is really good!! Kyungsoo did you make this !?!?!! " I said turning to him with the biggest grin I could conjure up , which turned into a huge smile instead .
"Uh yea I did" he said laughing awkwardly and getting a little red .
Cute . I thought . I watch as Scary dude glares at Kyungsoos and tells him to sit back down . I didn't even notice he was standing the whole time . that's how small he is.
Getting satisfaction from the rest I start to eat everything on my plate .
This was the shit man .
"So Sehun-ah do you know my name?."says guy with the high cheek bones .
"Uh no I'm sorry ." I answered as politely as I could .
"How do you not know !?? I gave you the list !" Chanyeol whined .
"Well yea but you never showed me how they look like so how am I supposed to know ."
"Oh" is the only thing Channie said before turning back to his food.
"Well ... I'm Jongdae , but you can call me Chen . Just so you don't forget do you have anything you can identify us by?" He asked while putting a mouth full of Chicken in his mouth.
"Uh .. Yes actually You are the guy with the high cheek bones that ...looks a dinosaur ." I say getting quieter each word.
The whole room burst into laughter again while Chen scolds me on how he looks like a Dino .
"I told you Chen , but you didn't believe me ." said the cute one with single eyelids .
"Oh my god " another one giggles ."do you know my name then ?"
"I don't know anyone's except Luhan Chanyeol ,Kyungsoo , Kai and Tao ,Sorry ." I said looking at my empty plate .
"No that's okay . Well I'm Baekhyun what do you define me by ." He asked with the squarest smile i have ever seen .
"Well... Your the one with the square smile ." Once again everyone started laughing as Baekhyun turned to his left and smiled . They started to laugh harder than the first time .
"Do me ,me . I am Xiumin ." He said with the cutest smile ever .
"Okay well your the really cute one with single eyelids . Are you the youngest of the pack?!" He didn't laugh he just hanged his head down in shame .But everyone else well screamed this time not laughing I wouldn't even define it as that . They screamed while nodding in agreement . Chen was patting Xiumin's back while telling him it's okay .
"He's actually the oldest . " Scary dude said .
My face showed signs of 'what the hell ' and everyone screamed again .
"Okay....okay ... Do me please . I am Zhang Yixing but you can all me Uhh ummm." He was thinking really hard for some odd reason .
"Lay " scary dude said .
"Yea?? Oh yea can call me that ,Lay"
"Okay well not to be rude but I see you as the guy that looks high all the time with only one dimple." I said bluntly .
"What the hell !!! How did you know I got weed !?!" He started laughing just Like everyone else . But I was just there Ike what the fuck .
"Lay you don't have weed ."scary dude says.
"Oh yea "
"Okay me next " I turn to my right and face a really tall guy .
"Just the cold guy " There was silence .
Imma just say there was silence for at least a minute or so before everyone got up went up to Cold guy and patted him on the back .
"Kris is more than just cold Sehun " Luhan giggles as he pats his back .
"He's lame ."
Wow what friendship .
"Do you want to leave the family Luhan cause I swear if I go down you go down with me ."Kris Hyung said whileglaring at Luhan.
"I am not lame . I'm swag "
Oh GAWD he's one of those .
I finished telling the rest of the pack what I thought of them we had a lot of laughs and connection I feel like we got closer like they are finally getting to know me and I them .
If you didn't notice this is a filler
The interesting parts will come later
The filler was for seeing how the character got closer to each with the other members...
So like I'm crYiNg right now
Nostalgia is the worst ... Anime... it's been 2 1/2 years .... I realized I watched Shakugan No Shana a lot of years ago it only seemed like 3
I watched SNS when it was ongoing since season 1 ... and rn I'm listening to angle beats which I watched 4 years ago ...
Japanese Animation was my life
What happened ??
I found Real life Anime Boys .. Clannad, Kanon ,Air amazing animes must watch same author ... The songs are something you can go back to after a couple of years and just cry . It was that good but then again I have a weak heart I'll cry for Action anime too haha . But Kanon is a must Agh they all are

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