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Sehun POV

Do Kyung Soo(D.O) : January 12, 1993 ♥

Kim Jong In(Kai) : January 14, 1994 ♥

Kim Min Seok(Xiumin) : March 26, 1990 ♥

Lu Han(Luhan) : April 20, 1990 ♥

Huang Zi Tao(Tao) : May 2, 1993 ♥

Byun Baek Hyun(Baekhyun) : May 6,1992 ♥

Kim Joon Myeon(Suho) : May 22, 1991 ♥

Kim Jong Dae(Chen) : September 21, 1992 ♥

Zhang Yi Xing(Lay) : October 7, 1991 ♥

Wu Yi Fan(Kris) : November 6, 1990 ♥

Park Chan Yeol(Chanyeol) : November 27, 1992 ♥

I skim through the names, nick names, and ages of every single memeber of the pack . Rembering what Chanyeol said when he handed me this.


" Here for you , the one with the hearts on them are the ones you have to remeber by heart." He said handing me the scratch peice of paper .

"But.. they all have hearts on them ."




Honestly that hyung is too much .

okay lessee . Uhuh ... okay . wait .. HOLD UP !!! Luhan is what ?!?!

Luhan is freakin 19 !!!! I thought he was joking about that . He looks so much younger than I do .

(A/N Its 2009 right now I wanted them to still be in highschool so i did it in the past . )

Oh . Kyungsoo ssi is not that much onlder than I am just by a year.

Actually I never even knew my bestfriends age . I guess now I do.


"Where are they ?!?! " I've been waiting here at the meeting spot Channie told me about for 20 minutes !

"Aye Sehunnie !! " I hear a familiar voice from afar.


Luhan walks up to Sehun ,smile on his face , waving frantically at the younger .

"Ive been waiting fo you at the at the fountain , where haveyou been.?"

"Ive been here.. where chanyeol told me to be ." Sehuns said with a blunt manner

"That dumb fuck . I told him to tell you at the fountain . That little shit head isnt gonna get the end of it when I see him . "

Luhan grabbed his hand and dragged him carefully away , heading towards the main street .

"Every one left already , they said you were taking to long , Its only me and Dyo . "

Sehun thought that was awesome , because he still hasnt learned every ones names yet .

"So.. " Sehun says while walking towards a figure leaning on the wall of the main entrance of the school .

"Have you learned every ones names yet ?? "

"Uhhh . "

"Aye Sehun over hear !!" Kyungsoo comes up from the wall and waves with all his might .

Sehun stops in his tracts thinking that this was proably not the best idea . He might get emotional and want to does stuff too kyungsoo because he hasnt seen him in forever. But he holds it in and continues to stand there while he grabs the hem of Luhans long sleeved shirt .

"Did you tell him ?" Sehun says in a hushed manner.

"Now why would I do that , to my dearly beloved Senshine . "

"Shut up , did you ? "

"Fist of all , RUDE , second of all no I didnt , why would I . " Luhan states while walking towards one of his close friends .

Sehun let out a small breath of air he didnt even notice he was holding in . Its going to be alright he says to him self . He wonders why Kyungsoo doesnt recognize him , has it been that long that he cant even remember his best friends . He continues to walk along side the Luhan who was enjoying his time with the Dyo . Sehun felt forgoten , but he was okay with it since he was the one to come barging in and agreeing to stay here , they dont even know him that well , so why does it really matter .It was Kyungsoo who desided to tlk to him first , not Luhan .

"Hey Sehun how do you like your new school . " Kyungsoo asked uncomfotably because he sill thinks Sehun hates him.

"Its okay ... I guess "

"Oh, Okay , well if you have any questions just as me, Im a junior by the way" He says in a polite manner .

But of course Sehun has to be his bitchy self and be all whatever about it .

"I know ." Sehun jeered at him . Sehun doesnt even know why he was being mean at the time . He guesses he was just not in the mood , he didnt want to hurt him more than he already has , but he couldnt help it .

"Oh , I thought you - "

"I looked it up , Chanyeol gave me everyones name and birthdate . "He says bluntly.

"Well thas stupid of that Derpy Idiot . " Luhan buts in . " I mean he gave you the names and dates but not how they look like . "

Sehun passes for awhile. How can he just realize that now . He felt like an idiot more than Chanyeol is .

"Oh I can help you later with . " Kyungsoo starts .

"No. Its okay I can just , do it my self "

Luhan grabs sehuns shoulder while Kyungsoo sulks and continues to walk forward .

"Dude why do you have to be such a .. such a dick ." He whisper shouts at sehun .

"Im not its jjst , im just weird okay , its uncomfotable , I dont know what to do . Around him I mean "

"I get it just stop doing that . "

"Why ? I mean I know but how come its bad . "

"Because kyungsoo is . " Luhan starts but doesnt get to finish .

"HEYYY Guys !!! What are you taling about over there!!" Kyungsoo shouts from inside the forest .

"Nothing !!! " Luhan shouts back . "Just watch yourslef ." He whipsers at Sehun once more .

Sehun was confused, really confused . Watch myself for what ?



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