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"Watcha doin'?"

"Just kissed my boyfriend goodbye."

"Oh, so you are taken?"

"Yes. And you? What's your Facebook relationship status?"

"In a relationship."

"That's good."

"How about we play twenty questions? Because obviously, we don't know a single shit about each other."

"Fine. You go first."

"Hmm, so what's your favourite colour?"

"So original. Anyways, it's brown."

"Who loves brown? That's like a poop colour!"

"Poop is an important factor of our lives!"

"Still, it's so eww."

"What's so eww in it? If it wouldn't be for poop, then you would be the size of a giant anaconda!"

"For some reason, your last part reminded me of anaconda song by Nicki Minaj."

"That was so out of context."


"Okay, so now my turn. What is the colour of your eyes?"

"Brown— uh, shit."

"Yes, shit. You poopy eyed blonde!"

*Beep* *Beep*


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