Ch 3: The First Capture and The Fight

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'Ring, Ring'

Papyrus saw his phone ringing in his pocket as he went to answer the phone, "hello this is the Great Papyrus speaking."

"Papyrus," said Toriel on the other line sounding desperate, "you have to stop the others from capturing the other ponies!"

"Why? What's going on?"

Toriel sighs, "listen, Papyrus, we have found out that these ponies mean no harm to us or Frisk. They are after someone else. They want Sans your brother to help them with finding this demonic child."

Papyrus eyes sockets widened almost in position to dance for joy knowing that he was right but he knew that the ponies are in danger.

"What should I do? They might not believe me!"

"You must try, Papyrus. If you want I'll have Sans go with you and help you to try to convince them to not hurt those other ponies. We have three with us one is a Princess."

"Really?! I mean uh..." Papyrus began to think to try to not be too excited about meeting this Princess that Toriel has mentioned, "yes, I may need all the help I can get."

"Thank you, I'll have Sans go right away to help."

Papyrus heard Toriel hang up the phone as he places his phone back into his pocket. In a minute Sans appear beside Papyrus as he nods.

"Welp ready to see if we can't convince them to stop?"

Papyrus nods, "ready as always, brother."

"Good then let's go."

The two took off in hope to find Asgore and the others before it's too late.


Undyne looks around holding her spear in her hands, "I know you ponies are somewhere around here. I can feel it!"

She bashes some trashcans with her spear only causing the junk from the trashcan to fall over. She sighs as she continues to hunt for ponies.

Asgore is with the dogs as they all kept searching for any signs of the ponies anywhere.

"Any sign of them anywhere?"

The dogs look at Asgore and they all shook their heads in disappointment.

Asgore sighs knowing this could take a while to figure out where the ponies could be.

"Asgore! Dogs! Stop immediately!"

Asgore looks to see Papyrus running over to him with Sans close behind.

"Sans, Papyrus, what's the matter?"

"King Asgore... uh I mean Asgore" said Papyrus correcting himself to calling the goat monster right, "this is indeed a big huge misunderstanding! Please don't capture those ponies! They mean no harm to any of us or Frisk!"

Sans nods, "my bro is right. Besides I met three of them and they are really nice. Well, one is a beautiful Princess but she even said that they are looking for someone else. They want to be our allies to help find this demonic kid."

Asgore and the dogs look confused at the skeleton brothers. Sans knew that this isn't going to go well. It's going to take a lot more than talking to convince Asgore to stop and help the ponies out.

Undyne kept looking around as she began to wonder if there are any ponies at all around the city. That is until she spotted a small filly running across the alleyway. Undyne narrow her eyes as she knew that this one is a unicorn. Undyne prepares herself as she threw the spear right to the direction to the filly. Thankfully missed as Sweetie Bell began to run in fear.

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