Ch 11: Fight For A Happy Ending

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Gaster uses his blasters and began to blast towards Sans but Sans use his teleport magic and dodge the blasters. This kept on going till Chara got there and soon Sans had help from Chara.

"Well... you decide to help now huh?"

Chara looks at Sans saying, "oh shut up at least I'm saving your butt!"

Sans just roll his eye sockets but kept on dodging Gaster's attacks while Chara uses his Determination to try to strike Gaster but Gaster was too slick and threw Chara to the ground. Sans narrow his eye sockets but as he was about to use his own blasters Gaster use his floating hand magic and grab hold of Sans lifting Sans in the air.

"Now... let's say to end you here and now," said Gaster as he uses his magic and started to squeeze Sans.

Luna's eyes widened as tears began to stream down her cheeks, "Sans! No!"

Just as Gaster thought he was going to succeed in his plans a burst of magic had burst the magic hand and free Sans. Sans fell to the ground coughing.

Gaster turns to see Celestia glaring up at him with her eyes narrow and her wings are spread out. She stood her ground as she kept her focus on Gaster.

"Celestia?!" cried Luna in shock to see her sister, "what are you doing here?!"

Celestia turns to see her sister as tears began to form in her eyes, "don't worry little sister, I'm getting us both out of here!"

Twilight, Frisk, and Kameron join Celestia as they all look at Gaster with stern faces as they show no fear in whatsoever. Gaster knew he had himself a bit of challenge but wasn't going to give up that easily.

"So," said Gaster grinning, "you all came just to see if you all can ruin my plans! I am not going to let you ruin my plans for coming back to the world!"

"Taking someone's power and hurting them is not right," said Frisk as she looks at Gaster, "none of this you are doing isn't going to help you at all!"

The fight started as Celestia and Twilight began to use their magic to blast Gaster while Frisk and Kameron use their own weapons to attack. Sans too join in the fight using his blasters to blast Gaster.

Luna watches helplessly as she knew that there was no way she could have help with being chain to an invisible wall. Suddenly Chara woke up and went to break the chain with his knife. Once Chara broke the chain he saw Luna was starting to give up on trying to fight back.

"Princess Luna," said Chara crossing his arm, "you got to help them!"

"How?! I don't have my magic!"

"That's not true! You're forgetting your Determination powers! Even if you don't have your cutie mark or you immortal powers it doesn't mean you have your Determination within you! Go and help them before..."

Suddenly Chara and Luna heard Frisk and Celestia screaming. They both turn to see Gaster had all of them in the air with his magical flying hands like his own and began to squeeze them all.

"You all thought you can beat me?! You are all fools!"

Chara looks at Luna and asks, "so are you going to do something or sit and watch that bum head kill your friends and sister?"

Luna looks at Chara and said narrowing her eyes, "thank you for that reminder, Chara Dreemurr. I won't let him hurt any of them! I Luna the princess of the night will not give up as I use my Determination to stop this evil monster once and for all!"

Luna's soul started to glow as she rushes towards Gaster as she presses the fight button with her wings. She kept her gaze towards Gaster as she pushes Gaster down making herself and Gaster fall deeper into the void.

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