Ch 12: The End

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Sans sighs as he saw that it was getting late. Suddenly his phone rang and look to see his cell phone ringing. He looks to see Frisk's name on it. He chuckles as he went to answer it.

"Hello, this is the fart master speaking."

Sans knew that will always make Frisk laugh. Once Frisk was able to stop laughing she answers to Sans.

"Hey, Uncle Sans, just wanted to say goodnight to you."

Sans nods, "thanks, Frisk and yeah the same to you too."

Frisk was silent for a moment as she then asks, "you sound a bit down to the dump. Is everything alright?"

Sans sighs, "You got me there. Luna hasn't called me back and I'm a bit worry."

Frisk smiles, "I'm sure she will call you besides she is the Princess of the Night so... I assume she is busy doing her royal duties as Princess. I'm sure when she gets done she will indeed call you."

Sans chuckles, "yeah, I suppose your right."

Frisk giggles, "that's the spirit, Sans the skeleton."

Sans like how Frisk calls him by his full name. Or at least that's how he always had called himself. He doesn't really remember if he has the last name or not. No matter it really didn't bother Sans or Papyrus to not really have any last names.

"Alright kiddo, see you in the morning."

Frisk smiles as she heard Toriel walking into her room, "I better go see ya."

Sans nods, "catch ya later alligator."

Frisk laugh as Sans could hear Frisk hanging up the phone. He chuckles to himself before hearing his brother asking him who was on the phone.

"That was Frisk saying goodnight to me and you."

Papyrus smiles, "she is such a nice human girl. Hasn't Luna called yet?"

Sans shakes his head, "not yet but I'm sure she will soon."

Papyrus nods in agreement, "I'm sure when she gets done doing her royal duties she will contact you soon."

Sans nods, "yeah, I'm sure she will."

The two skeleton got themselves ready for bed. Once so Papyrus decided to go to bed early so he can go training with Undyne bright and early tomorrow morning. Sans, on the other hand, decided to stay up and wait for Luna to call him back.

Sans saw that the stars were out tonight and teleport to a far distance where he can look at the stars better. He sighs as he put the pony phone close near him and place his hands behind his skull head.

"Wow, it's sure is beautiful tonight. I should take Paps and Frisk out some time to look at the stars. That is if they don't have anything going on tomorrow morning."

Sans sighs as he stares up at the stars finding lots of consolation of the stars in the sky. He found at least twelve consolations before he began to drift off to sleep. About a half an hour the pony phone begins to ring. This woke Sans right up as he looks at the phone and went to answer it trying not to sound like he was asleep.

"Hello? Sans the skeleton speaking."

Luna giggles, "Hello Sans, I'm so sorry I hope I didn't wake you or anything."

"Nah, I've been up looking at the stars."

"Oh, you love to look at stars too?!"

Sans could hear Luna's excitement in her tone of voice as he nods, "yeah, I always do when it's a there are no clouds in the sky."

Luna laughs, "well... I guess Rimmer and I are not the only ones to look at the stars every night."

Sans looks back up at the stars, "heh... you both do that too huh?"

Luna smiles, "yeah, that's why I was so late. Rimmer didn't want to fall to sleep so I had to entertain him with my magic. I always move the stars in the sky which always make him happy and wanting more of it."

Sans nods, "heh... you two should join me sometimes to look at the stars. I would love to see you move the stars myself."

Luna began to blush as she giggles, "perhaps we would do that sometimes when you are not busy that is..."

"Me busy?" Sans chuckles, "Nah, never too busy for you."

Luna smiles warmly as she put her one hoof on her leg, "perhaps we could make it as our little date?"

Sans chuckles as his cheekbone turn light blue, "y... yeah, that would be cool."

Luna looks down, "perhaps next week sometime?"

Sans nods, "sure how about Friday?"

Luna nods excitedly, "that will be great! You don't mind Rimmer coming do you?"

Sans shakes his head, "nope not at all and that way I can have Paps and Frisk too since well been a while we all stargaze together."

"Perfect then next Friday will be the day we have our first date and stargaze."

Sans sighs as he nods, "that will be perfect."

Luna lower her hoof as she replies, "I must get going I have lots of ponies dreams to go into tonight."

Sans chuckles, "have fun, bet some of them are quite interesting."

Luna sighs, "yes, some are quite interesting. I have seen lots of strange dreams that some ponies dream."

Sans chuckles, "heh... well have fun!"

Luna laughs, "oh Sans, you are quite the skeleton."

Sans knew that he just made Luna's night with a little joke, "talk to ya tomorrow night?"

Luna nods happily, "yes, I will talk to you tomorrow night, Sans. Have a good night."

Sans nods, "yup a good night to you as well, Luna."

Once Luna and Sans both hung up, Sans looks up at the sky before he put the phone into his pocket and teleports back home to get along good night sleep.


AN: A short one but hey it's the ending. I really love this ending since I'm a stargazer kind of person myself. Mostly to see if I can't find a planet in my telescope in one of the stars or find the moon or to just look at the beauty of the stars. It's always so beautiful when you look up in the night sky. Probably why I like Luna and Sans so much. I can relate to them about stargazing.

So I'm going to see if @BlackCatStudio would let me use her OC Rimmer in my next story base on Luna X Sans if so... I think you guys got a hint in this last chapter to where the story will begin. I'm pretty sure I will be able to she's pretty nice about it. She'll probably see this anyways.

I'm so happy with how many enjoy this story and love the idea of me shipping Luna and Sans. Thank you and also thank you to those who are willing to be my friends and following me on Wattpad! I can't believe I got over 50 followers already! Mostly either this story or the other one I did a long time ago called A Cat's Tale (which I kinda forgot the idea so sadly I won't continue that story. Sorry.) I've been a bit observance when I come on here. A little bit!

Welp catch ya later in my next story! Eeek!

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