Ch 10: To the Rescue

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Sans could see that he is in a pitch darkness and he couldn't even see his own feet. He looks around wondering where in the world is he? He knows he's dreaming since his actual body is back in Snowdin but where did his dream take him?

Suddenly a loud cry of pain was heard as he knew that it was Luna's yell. His heart began to pound as he ran. He calls out to Luna's name hoping he would be able to get to her and save her to whatever made her yell like that.

Suddenly Sans felt himself being thrown into a wall as he shakes his head uncertain of what's going on.

"The hell?"

Suddenly he looks and saw a skeleton face with a crack over his one eye socket and his whole body looks to be melting in some way. Sans recognize this skeleton as he stands up looking sternly at this melting skeleton.

"Gaster, where is she?! What are you doing to her?!"

Gaster chuckles as he replies, "oh Sans, you were always the curious one other than your brother who was a super slow learner."

Sans growls as he yells, "don't talk like that about my bro! Tell me now or else!"

Gaster put up his hand that has a hole in the middle of his bony hand saying, "now that is no way to speak to your father."

"Father?! You mean a cruel heartless kind!"

Gaster glares at Sans for a moment seeing that Sans was serious about finding Luna and wanting to know why Luna scream like she did. Gaster turns a little as he started to make an image of an alicorn that Sans was not at all familiar with. This alicorn was all black showing her long fang teeth and her mane looks similar to Luna's.

"What is this?"

Gaster chuckles saying, "this was once your own girlfriend when she was Nightmare Moon. She tries to rule Equestria and try to bring eternal night to all of Equestria. She even tries to kill her own sister."

Sans shakes his head, "your lying!"

Gaster chuckles, "oh, am I? Go ask her yourself she will tell you the whole truth."

Sans glares at Gaster before taking off looking for Luna. Once he found her he saw that Luna was all chained up looking like a real dog being abused by their master. She had blood running down from her head.

"S... Sans?" Luna barely can keep her eyes open since her head was hurting so bad but she could see little what is ahead of her.

Sans ran up to her knowing that Luna was hurt, "oh god! What the hell did he do to you?! Don't worry I'll get you out of here!"

Sans tries to break the chains with his magic but found the chains to be unbreakable.

"Oh I'm so sorry Sans," said Gaster as he appears behind Sans, "the chains of mine is hard to break at all. You will never break her free."

Sans growls as he pulls out a toilet paper from his pocket and wraps it around Luna's head to at least try to stop the bleeding. Luna flinches a little bit and she began to smile.

"Thank you," said Luna in her soft tone voice.

Sans nods but look closer to see Luna's mane was different than how he had seen her before. Instead of that cloud-like mane blue color, it was now short light blue mane. He was surprised by this but at least he knows her true look.

"Welp a new style you decide to make or something," he said jokingly and started to laugh.

He stops seeing that Luna wasn't laughing. He wonders if he said something to offend her.

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