Ch 4: Aid Sans and The Second Catch

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Luna used her magic to place Sans on the couch while Toriel went to get a nice warm blanket to put it over Sans. The children were really worried about Sans they didn't know if he's going to be okay.

Once Toriel grabs a nice brown blanket from the spare bedroom and placed over Sans she sighs. She looks up at Luna.

"I'm so sorry about your friends. I never would imagine Asgore would go this far with Sans. He should have known better."

Luna sighs, "this is not your fault, Toriel. You, Sans, and Frisk have been a huge help to us as well with Sans' brother."

For the first time, Toriel had no idea how else she was going to help Luna and the rest of the ponies. She looks down at Sans to see that he's still passed out.


Toriel turns her attention to Frisk, "yes, my child?"

Frisk lower her head, "is Sans going to be okay?"

Toriel sighs as she tries to convince herself that Sans will be alright, "O... of course just um... how about you go call Alphys and see what she can do to wake him up."

Frisk nods as she took off to get her cell phone and called Alphys from her room.

Rimmer came up to Sans as he tries to not cry, "I hope he's going to be okay."

Luna walks over to him as she places her wings around Rimmer, "I know it's scary but I'm sure that Toriel can help him."

Toriel sighs, "I actually don't know but Alphys who's our monster scientist once was a royal scientist has more experience with this kind of illness than I or any other monsters."

Luna nods, "whatever you think it's best to help Sans out I'll put my trust into you and this Alphys."

A few minutes later, Frisk came running back down as she said to everyone mostly to Luna and her mom.

"I was able to get a hold of Alphys and told her what happened to Sans."

"And?" Asked Luna with concerned.

"And she's on her way with Mettaton. I guess he just got done with his live performance so she's bringing him with her. She's really worried about Sans' condition so she'll be here rather quickly."

Toriel nods in relief, "that's good. Glad that she wasn't too busy."

Suddenly her cell phone rang as she looks to see Papyrus' name on it. She clicks to answer her phone.


Papyrus answers on the other line, "Yes, Toriel um... has Sans by chance came back to your house?"

Toriel sighs, "yes, but... he's passed out on the couch."

"He's sick! Oh my gosh! I have to be with him! I'll be right there!"

Papyrus hung up as he began to run full speed towards Toriel's house.

Toriel sighs knowing Papyrus is now concerned for his brother. She looks at Frisk seeing she is giving a confused look. Toriel knew what Frisk is asking her as she replies.

"That was Papyrus, he's on his way here now..." hears the door knocking, "that must be him now."

Toriel went to answer the door and sure enough, she was right. Papyrus came running in as he saw Sans laying on the couch. Tears began to stream down as Papyrus kneel down beside Sans.

"Sans, it's okay I'm here, Nyeh" looks down, "everything is going to be... okay."

Papyrus couldn't hold back his crying now as he places his head into the blanket and started to weep. Toriel and Frisk both quickly came to Papyrus' side trying to do their best to help comfort their friend.

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