Please Don't

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**Trigger Warning: suicide is mentioned!!**

I walked into Carl's house and saw him smiling with his group.

I know I will never be part of it so I run off to an abandoned house.

I slip inside one of the bedrooms and grab my rifle and point it to the mirror that was standing there. I point it at my reflection and shoot.

The glass falls to the floor scattering everywhere.

I take a deep breath and put the gun into my mouth.

I hear footsteps and the door opens revealing Carl and the group pointing their guns. They see me and the glass and put their guns down and Carl steps forward, "What's all this (y/n)?"

"Nothing I don't want to talk about it"

Carl goes back to his group and whispers something and they walk away.

He comes towards me once again and says "Why do you want to do this?"

"Because I'm tired and I don't and don't belong in your group"

"(y/n)... You already do. We are all family and we love you. I love you" said Carl

"You're just saying that because you don't want me doing it"

Carl goes into deep thought and opens his mouth saying,

"And because it's true I do love you. (y/n) since the day I met you I've fallen for you every day and every second of my life"

I hand him the gun and cry into his arms.

Carl kisses my cheek and says into my ear,

"Please don't ever do this again"    

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now