Dear Carl, | Part One

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I started writing on the paper...

Dear Carl,

I know we broke up because you stopped loving me and started loving Enid. Of course, I accepted that for your happiness and my friend's happiness.

But the thing is you may have stopped loving me but I never and never will stop loving you.

You have left me a burden but I will not hurt you or my friend for my happiness. Thank you for all the memories we had together.

Love (y/n),

I finished writing the letter and put it in an envelope.

Thinking twice I decided to give him the letter.

I slipped into his bedroom and put the letter on his bed for him to see.

(Time Skip)

It's been hours of being in my room and Carl hasn't come to tell me about the letter.

I hesitated to get out but I did and entered Carl's room.

I gasped as I saw Carl reading the letter...

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