Roller Skating

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"Take off your shoes," said Carl


"Look what I found," said Carl taking something out of his bag.

We stopped in the middle of the street.

He took the thing out and it was roller skates.

"I don't how to use those"

"What really?" asked Carl sitting down on the floor.

"Yeah and don't tell me your gonna put them on?"

"You mean we" smirked Carl

"No, I'm not! I'm going to fall"

"Babe you're not! Now sit down and put 'em on" said Carl pulling my arm.

I sat down and out the skates on.

Carl grabbed my hand and we both stood up.

I kept wobbling but I soon got the hang of it.

We grabbed hands and rolled down the street.

"See you got it!" said Carl laughing

I laughed back, "Hopefully I don't fall"

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