Ocean Eyes

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a/n: I recommend this listen to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish while reading this

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

I watched Carl from afar, he was going for a run with his dad. Thinking about him outside our walls made me break knowing I couldn't prevent anything from happening to him.

He walked towards me, his ocean eyes glistening in the hot Atlanta sun.

"(Y/n), can you stop worrying? I'm going to be," said Carl placing his hand on my arm

"I know, but I'm scared. I hate you leaving." I said, tears ready to spill at any moment.

You really know how to make me cry

Carl looked at me with his eyes, calming me down, "I promise to be back."

When you gimme those ocean eyes, I'm scared

He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes

That night I went to bed, praying that Carl would be safe and come back to me alive.

I woke up to feeling someone kiss my forehead, I recognized the feeling, Carl was back.

"Carl!" I sat up and hugged him, "You're okay."

"I promised you didn't I? I won't ever leave you," replied Carl

I felt warm inside, I truly loved this boy.

a/n: this was short but oh so soft:') i miss our boy

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