Promise To Be There

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It's been weeks since Carl and I hooked up and he still was avoiding me...


"How are things with Carl?" asked Maggie while planting seeds.

I sighed and dug some more, "Not good. I mean like I know it was pretty quick that we hooked up but I want him to talk to me about it."

"Yeah, I get it. Glenn and I have gotten in many arguments but it's all about talking to each other," responded Maggie smiling at me.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off myself, "Thanks, Maggie. I'll go find him."


I walked up the steps from the Grimes's house and knocked.

"It's open!" yelled the voice I needed to hear.

I walked in and saw Carl gasp.

"(y/n)! What are you doing here?" asked Carl

"Because I needed to talk to you. So sit."

I sat on the living room sofa and he sat next to me.

"Okay, so I understand you've been distant maybe because we did it too fast."

Carl sighed and shook his head, "It's not about that. (Y/n) I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. I never get my hopes up because I know I'll lose people."

"Babe I didn't know. I'm sorry."

I got nearer and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault baby. I promise I won't be distant anymore," said Carl kissing my lips.

I kissed back and smiled, "I promise to always be there for you too."

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now