Hally Potter

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Disclaimer:I do not own The Harry Potter series JKR does.

Chapter 1

Godric's Hollow July 31, 1988 11:30 P.M.

The summer storm died down giving the night skies a clear view of the stars above. It was a sultry evening, however not too hot of a night as a cool breeze flowed through the beautiful small home bearing a baby crying through the upstairs window. Lily sighed tiredly from a long day inside her studio watching one of her crystals go off telling her which one of the twins were being fussy.

'Hally why tonight of all nights must you do this now,' she thought walking out of her studio meeting up with James in the hall.

"Which one is it this time?" James inquired with a sly grin

"It is Hally again James. You would think that she would get into the routine of sleeping throughout the night," Lily answered with a sigh heading upstairs to the twins' nursery.

"Need some help?" James offered volunteering to give her at least some kind of a break.

"No, no I got her, I believe she has a habit of wanting to be held before she goes to dream land," Lily explained with a small giggle.

James watched her go inside the nursery, shaking his head grinning from ear to ear over the routine that has been going on for about a year now.

Five minutes later the night sounds suddenly ceased to leaving an eerie silence. At the end of the street, a person dressed in white black robes suddenly appeared holding an object within his hand. He held the object up facing the street lamps, extinguishing them out one by one until the last one went out. A minute later he was met by several others dressed in the same materials walking quietly towards the small family home surrounding the perimeter, making sure no one escaped the home. They waited patiently making sure they were not seen by anyone within the house until one in particular appeared before them wearing a the blackest robe, eyes blood shot red, piercing at the home. He withdrew his wand muttering out a charm....

"Kaboom! " The door blasted open, shattering in half. James ran out of the living room to investigate the noise seeing the man slowly walk inside with his wand ready.

Lily ran out of the nursery, standing at the top of the stairs, "James!" She yelled in complete horror. James looked up at her quickly, "Lily! Grab the twins and go!" He shouted taking out his wand to defend hims self.

The man gave out an evil laugh pointing his wand at James, "Not fast enough Potter! Good bye!" He yelled before sending off a charm. "Avada Kedavra!" He shouted hitting James squarely in the back just as he started to head up the stairs. Lily watched in sheer horror seeing James go down in a dead thud before running back inside the nursery.

She locked the door tight with a strong locking charm, and then went to a crib on the left side of the room.

"Hally hush sweetie, lay beside your brother Harry," Lily tried to soothe her twin daughter putting her beside her son.

The man stood outside of the room muttering the charm once more blasting the nursery door open with such force, that it flew across the room hitting the floor. He walked inside holding out his wand at Lily in warning just as she whirled around standing in front of the twins, protecting them both from the evil dark lord.

"Please! Not my babies!" Lily begged mercifully to him.

"Step aside woman!" The dark lord demanded readying his wand towards the twins. Both babies wailed loudly at that moment in high pitches flailing their tiny arms.

"No! Not My babies! Not Harry and Hally please!" She begged once more staying in place facing him, keeping him away from the twins.

"Either step aside or be next!" The dark lord yelled out his order seeing her shake her head in a negative response.

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