Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"No Harry, did you?" Raven asked "No," Harry simply said

"Oh no!" the two groaned at the same time, both covering their faces with their hands.

"We don't even have brooms," Raven exclaimed "Tell me about it," Harry agreed with her then started thinking

"Who did that charm anyway?" Harry asked her "I don't know" Raven answered then grinned

"I shall never forget that look on Malfoy's face when you leaped out at him," Raven commented sniggering

"Nor you lowering yourself quickly like an upside down bat," Harry stated laughing quietly

"Alright you two, eat your breakfast," Severus told them both containing a smirk

"Alright dad," Raven promised him "Yes sir," Harry answered next

"Hey Harry, excited about learning how to duel?" Raven asked changing the subject

"Real excited Raven," Harry told her, everyone looked at Severus just then. "Would this be by chance wizard duel?" McGonagall questioned Harry.

Harry only grinned, "Yes," he answered looking at her grinning

"Albus..." "Minerva it is quite alright, I gave Severus permission to teach Miss. Snape and Mr. Potter how to wizard duel and it can come in handy one day," Dumbledore explained

"Also, I believe it would be good for Miss. Snape to have a classmate along with her," Dumbledore added watching Harry and Raven go into deep conversation.

"Severus, I know what happened last night between the two you have no need to worry, I assure you that Raven's feelings for her father will not change," Dumbledore said in a low voice

"Albus, you can not let this happen, you'll put them both in danger if it happens," Severus told him in low key

"Do I sense some feelings towards Mr. Potter Severus?" Dumbledore enquired to him

"Don't start with me you dirty old man, you know darn well it hasn't changed one bit!" Severus said quietly

"Indeed," Dumbledore replied eyes gleaming, Severus gave him a look that could kill when Professor Quiroll came into the Great Hall

"G-good M-morning," He greeted as he sat down in his seat, "Professor," Severus greeted to him keeping his eyes on him.

"Dad, could you please pass the marmalade?" Raven asked trying to get his attention, but was not being heard at first because of Severus was paying attention to Quiroll suspiciously.

"Dad!" Raven yelled slightly getting his attention at last

"Yes Raven, what is it?" Severus questioned "Could you please pass the marmalade?" Raven enquired politely

"Of course Raven here you go," Severus answered passing the Marmalade over to her

"Thank you dad," Raven grinned "Your welcome Raven," Severus muttered just enough for her to hear him focusing his attention back on the Defense against the Dark Arts professor once more.

"Harry do you want to go outside or to Hexers Corner before we leave today?" He heard Raven ask Harry turning her way

"Hexer's Corner?" Severus questioned "It's nothing big dad, really," Raven told while he looked at her for a moment.

"Alright, if you say so Raven, but remember we go to get your attire as well as Mr. Potter's today along with Professor McGonagall," Severus reminded her

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