Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: No I do not own the Harry Potter series J.K Rowlings does.

Chapter 9

The last time we left off Harry, and Raven walked out of the hospital wing arm in arm happily.

They returned to the Great Hall recieving their wands back from both Professors before taking their seats at their house table beside the Weasely twins Fred, and George.

" did the target look?" Fred sniggered along with George

"like the Hogwarts train hit him instead," Raven bursted into an helarious laugh with Harry.

"Yeah, he's starting to sound like a dog as well," Harry cackled

Hermione got up moving down the table slightly, "You two are completely hopeless, and you two aren't helping with their pranks," She lectured sitting down beside Percy. The four looked at her, then each other before they roared into laughter once more.

After they had their fill, all the students went to their houses conversing while stating their goodbyes for the night.

The next morning Raven got up at the same time as Hermione seeing her walk past her in silence, Raven sighed quietly.

"Hermione wait," she called seeing the bushy haired girl turn to look at her

"I'm sorry for what I said the other night to you, but you do need to loosen up just a bit," Raven apologized to her

Hermione raised her eyebrows up slightly in surprise, "Apology accepted Raven. You think I need to loosen up?" She enquired

"Oh yeah definately," Raven answered with a grin leaving with her to the girls showers.

Meanwhile Harry was having a heck of a time getting Ron up to get ready for class.

"Ron! Get up now or we'll be late!" He seethed Ron turned over to his left side

"Five more minutes mum Please," Ron mumbled riling Harry up to where he stormed out of the dorm disgusted.

Raven seen Harry's face, "Morning Harry...where's Ron?" She asked

"Still sleeping in his bed...five more minutes mum please," Harry grumbled

Raven heard his words, anger began to stir inside her, "Be right back," She simply said heading to the girl's dorms.

Minutes later they seen her heading up to the boys dorms carrying her wizards disk player.

"Raven where are you going? And what are you going to do?" Hermione asked wearily

"I'm going to cure Ron once and for to witness this one you two?" She asked grinning evilly

The two looked at each other before scrambling up the stairs following her in interest.

A/N: Now it's time to play rumble, jump and shake the bed! Our next contestant is no other than Raven Snape (Applauses for her girl)

Raven opened her disk player putting in one of her disks, then closed it setting it down in front of Harry. Next she walked over to Ron's bed muttering a charm on it then binded Ron's Wrists and legs to the bed to where he couldn't get up nor get hurt. Finally she stood next to Harry bending to turn her player on full blast.

Harry watched in amazment with Hermione hearing the music start while watching the bed..."Rumble, rumble, rumble"

Ron opened his eyes just then still half asleep,"Huh?"He mumbled confused, suddenly the bed jumped across the floor as though it was playing the game of muggle leap frog to the other side of the dorm room keeping in time with the music. Harry sniggered with Hermione before they both lost control bursting into laughter seeing Ron struggle.

"Help! Help me! Raven Snape I'll get you for this!" Ron wailed as the bed stood up on one leg swirling around facing the other way before jumping once more.

The noise carried its way downstairs being heard by several Gryffindors, a few boys ran up along with Fred and George seeing everything cackling at the funny sight.

"Are we ready to get up yet Ron or shall I continue?" Raven questioned looking at her nails without a care

"When I get out of this mess you are so dead!" Ron shouted in anger at her...big mistake.

"Hmm...perhaps five more seconds should do it then I think," She sneered at him letting the prank continue on creating an audience of several more boys hearing cheers and laughter flow around them.

"I'm sick," Ron wailed face turning green from the jumping, rumbling and swirling.

"Now I'll ask again, are ready to get up yet?" Raven drilled with a stone face

"Yes! Yes, just please let me go," Ron wailed surrendering at last.

Raven ended the charms seeing Ron leap from the bed hold his mouth running to the boys washroom.

"You have five minutes Ron," Harry called laughing with tears in his eyes as the three headed back downstairs.

"Want som eggs Ron?" Raven questioned innocently seeing Ron grab his stomach in revulsion

"Uh no thanks, I'll just have dry toast and juice," Ron answered still a bit green in the face

Harry sniggered in his juice goblet from Ron's comment, Fred and George watched the two's actions

"It's right in front of everone and they haven't noticed not once," Fred commented in shock

"I know, I mean it's like HELLO CAN YOU SEE IT," George stated when Padma and Pavarti Patil walked past them

"We have," They spoke at once in low key. The two looked at each other then sniggered looking at them as they sat down at their table grinning.

Harry looked at his schedule, "it says that we have Professor Binns first with the Slytherins," He commented getting Raven's attention

"Great its naps all around...hey Ron you got it made then," Raven teased seeing Ron blush as everyone laughed at the harmless joke.

After breakfast they walked to class when Raven stopped Harry for a minute

"Harry want to spend the weekend with me at dad's quarters? He won't mind," Raven offered

Harry was reluctant at first until..."I can play chess with Harry this weekend," They heard Ron tell Neville Longbottom, Raven seen Harry gag on the comment before looking back at her

"Sure, I'm in Raven," Harry grinned cheering her up as they walked into the classroom together.

A/N:Now for most of you who does read my story here, yes Snape hates Harry, but that will soon change in my storyline here.

After class was over everyone left rubbing their eyes including the tow look alikes in unison.

"Man Raven you wer'ent kidding," Harry yawned stretching his arms at the same time Raven did

"yep...hey you know what? that nap just gave me an idea on the prank for Malfoy Harry, Listen," Raven replied whispering in his ear. Harry sniggered listening

"Oh that sounds like a perfect idea Raven," Harry agreed as they went to seek out Fred and George Weasely letting them know their plans.

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I get to go to Canada's wonderland tomorrow! So happy!

Check out the song I Dare You To Move by Switchfoot! Tell me what you think!

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