Chapter 11

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Chapter 12

Hello Earth!
Today was my confirmation!
So to celebrate I'm posting this chapter!

Chapter 11

Last time we left off was the Gryffindor Tower, Raven, and Harry getting even with Lee Jordan from his comment and the Lord and Lady Hex's warning to the rest.

Great Hall Dinner

Severus Snape Walked into the Great Hall along with Minerva McGonagal heading to the two look alikes. They stopped two feet from behind them,

"Mr. Potter, Miss. Snape here are Mr. Malfoy's homework from the days classes, off you two go now," McGonagal requested hearing simultaneous sighs and groans.

"Your wands please first, you will get them back when you both return," Severus complied as well

"Aww dad that is not fair," Raven whined a bit handing over her wand to him

"I agree," Harry groaned handing over his at the same time

"It is not the end of the world you two, now run along and give Mr. Malfoy his homework to be done," McGonagal told them

The two dragged their feet out of the Great Hall in reluctance. Raven stopped outside the doors with Harry grinning from ear to ear after they seen the two head to the teachers tables. The two took off with lightening speed giggling like two tiny tykes opening presents at Christmas time. They reached the stairs leading to the Hospital wing slowing down climbing each step.

"So do you think that Malfoy will be out soon?" Harry enquired

"From the bruise on him I'd say..."

"Ahem! Raven," the two heard turning to see her father at the bottom of the staircase

"Yes dad?" Raven asked politely

"I almost forgotten since you are heading in that direction, I have Madam Pomfrey's potion here that she needed. Be sure to give it to her," Severus informed her handing her the crystal bottle with care.

"Yes dad," Raven nodded watching him head back

"He'll be out this weekend," Raven finished her thoughtful knowledge to Harry as they continued to head up the staircase.

Hospital Ward

Meanwhile Draco Malfoy sat upright in his hospital bed reading a wizard magazine he snitched from another Slytherin, every few minutes he would see Madam Pomfrey coming faking moans and groans as though he was on his death bed. Madam Pomfrey walked past sighing in annoyance,

"Oh for Merlin's sake Mr. Malfoy you are not dying!" she huffed heading to her office

Draco watched her keep walking, "You old hag witch," He muttered when he seen Harry and Raven walk in talking to her leaning slightly to catch the conversation, but all he heard was "yes...awake...and thank you".

He seen them head his way plopping the magazine down swiftly groaning, the two stopped in front of him, looked at each other before sniggering

"Oh come off it Malfoy, Madam Pomfrey already told us that your not in pain anymore so cut the act," Raven rolled her eyes

"Yeah Malfoy, who would have thought that an eleven year old like you would carry on like this. Wait until the Slytherins's hear about this," Harry yawned in boredom

Draco jolted up in the bed, "You say anything Potter and I'll..."

"You'll what Malfoy? Pound me? I don't think so," Harry sniggered at the platinum blondes harmless threat. Draco was getting ready to get up after him when Raven intervened,

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