Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The last time we left off Raven was chasing Harry around in Severus's quarters while Severus was laughing at the sight.

A/N: And now readers it is time for Raven Snape now to be called Hally Potter from this chapter on except for two who will continue to call her Raven.


The twins were sound asleep in their beds, Severus stood at the doorway checking in on the two after the nights ordeal that happened earlier; making sure that they were fine before closing the door slightly leaving it ajar.

Hally dreamt about winning the potions competition grinning from ear to ear when suddenly, she was pulled to another scene looking around at her surroundings confused.

'This isn't the potions competition what happened?' She thought to herself when she seen a huge fat man, a very thin woman with short dark hair, and a fat round boy with the same color hair as the woman standing in front of a raven haired boy with glasses...she realized at that moment that it was Harry looking at the three quietly.

She was getting ready to say hello to him when she heard the huge fat man yell,

"Don't lie to me boy! Did you take those cookies!" the fat man demanded Harry

"I told you Uncle Vernon that I didn't do it. I was right here the whole time," Harry answered with wide eyes

"You never do anything do you boy! Always innocent! I'll teach for stealing our food and lying about it!" Vernon roared seizing Harry's arm, and yanking him to make him follow him

"But Uncle Vernon, I didn't do it!" Harry exclaimed while Hally watched in horror on how her brother was being treated before she yelled at the huge man.

"He's telling the truth! Can't you see that he's telling the truth! What are you doing to him! Let go of my brother!" Hally screamed after she seen the man shove Harry into a tiny room closing and locking the door on him.

The man walked past her without notice, "And you'll stay in there boy until you learn not to steal!" Vernon bellowed out walking away

Hally ran to the door banging on it hearing Harry crying, "Harry, I'll get you out somehow," Hally called out trying to unlock the door when she was pulled back from being shaken by Severus.

"Raven, wake up...oaf! You're shaking young lady what is the matter with you?" Severus questioned quietly making not to wake Harry from his sleep

"Dad, it was Harry I saw. He was...he was being put into a cupboard," Hally began to sob

"What?" Severus enquired looking at her in shock while she looked over seeing Harry fidget in his sleep quietly

"Dad I have a feeling that Harry's home isn't a good place for him," Hally whispered rubbing her eyes.

"Come with me now Raven, and tell me everything," Severus beckoned her knowing that she never told a tall tale in her life.

The two slipped out of the room while Harry continued to sleep fidgeting and mumbling in his sleep.


Harry woke up the next morning seeing Hally already dressed coming out of the bathroom quietly putting her school robe on before stopping in front of him.

"Morning Harry, um... Me and dad want to talk to you after you get ready ok?" Hally asked

"Uh sure no problem," Harry answered getting up and heading to the bathroom next

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