Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The last time we left off the two look alikes were playing wizards chess in Severus's quarters, the potions master sighing and realizing that the weekend would be a very long one...

Raven began to put her chess game away along with Harry's help chatting and giggling with him. Harry began to look around the room after he began to relax awe struck at the décor; Raven noticed his reaction grinning while Severus observed in surprise.

"I take it by the look on your face Mr. Potter that you approve of my quarters?" Severus questioned politely

Raven sniggered, "I believe he does dad," Raven giving him a quick grin just as she put her chess game in one of the cupboards just beyond parlor leading to the small wizards kitchen.

"It's awesome, but it's a bit..."

"Unexpected Mr. Potter? I prefer to relax when I am not teaching a class," Severus explained resting his right hand on the side of his face watching the raven haired boy

"Dad stop trying to intimidate Harry. By the way how was your day today?" Raven asked

Severus sighed quietly at his daughter smirking, "Long Raven," He answered her crossing his long legs to a more comfortable position on the soft black leather chair he was sitting in.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that dad, Harry want a butterbeer?" Raven asked suddenly breaking the silence that was about to erupt then

"Sure I'd like one," Harry gave her a grin following her lead

Severus continued to watch the simultaneous patterns the two made in silence seeing them both take a sip of their drinks at the same exact time, not noticing what the other was doing.

The two spoke about their homework first, then about Ron landing on the floor in the hospital wing. Severus listened as he picked up a potions book of his to read until...

"Can't believe you wracked Ron a good one Raven," Harry sniggered, then seen Raven's eyes go wide shaking her head slightly

"And what did Mr. Potter mean by that Raven?" Severus questioned seeing her eyes close tightly and clenching her teeth.

"Sorry Raven, I didn't know," Harry spoke

"It's alright Harry," Raven assured her friend then looked over at her father

"Well young lady?" Severus pressed on with his question to her

"Ron called you a greasy haired git up in the hospital wing earlier today in front of me, so I whacked him a good one," Raven explained

Severus clenched his jaw, "I see, you did not have your wand so you hit the boy the muggle way am I correct?" Severus drilled sternly

"Yes sir," Raven answered him

Severus sat forward anger clearly written on his face, "Come here right now!" He demanded with an authoritive voice, Raven went to him without question while Harry stayed put watching quietly.

"How many times Raven do I have to tell you? I do not care what other people think about me? I have told you more than once that it does not matter to me!" Severus lectured her, Raven's breath began to quicken over his lecture

"It does to me!" Raven bellowed out with tears in her eyes, she began to walk away when Severus took hold of her arm gently realizing how upset she really was.

"It does matter to you that much Raven?" He enquired reading her face

"Yes sir," her voice broke slightly from her answer

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