Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

In the last chapter where we left off, the twins had used reverse psychology on both Slytherin house, and Gryffindor house to agree to team up for the broomstick competition.


Several Gryffindors looked at the Slytherin common room after Severus Snape reluctantly agreed to have the teams first meeting inside his own house, some were quite surprised that the common room was cozy warm instead of being damp and cold from being within the dungeons. Severus Snape met up with Minerva McGonagall after she led her house inside.

"Well Severus, I hope that your plans can fit along with ours," McGonagall commented politely

"I should say the same to you Minerva," Severus replied stiffly as the two exchanged rolls of parchment containing each others flying formation plans.

The twins gathered around the potions master; peering over his arms while he spreaded the parchment out onto a table, "Will it fit in dad?" Hally enquired seeing the flight pattern.

Severus chuckled in low key, "It will fit in nicely Raven. With you two in the front, that won't change," He answered looking down at the two

"Wicked," Hally grinned "Cool," Harry grinned as well before they both sat down together waiting patiently.

Professor McGonagall opened the other rolled parchment spreading it out beside the other plans,

"Well I must admit that they will come together here," McGonagall agreed with the potions master.

Hally noticed Fred, and George Weasley whispering to one another. She nudged Harry getting his attention,

"What?" Harry asked whispering "They are up to something or they did," Hally spoke quietly pointing at the other twins

Harry noticed them as well, "I'll find out what they're up to, stay put," Harry promised in low key getting up from where he was sitting and walked over to the two.

Hally listened through Harry's ears, keeping a straight face while she watched the two professors discuss the plans.

"Detention with Professor Snape?" Harry enquired quietly to Fred and George

"Yeah, well Hally knows us," Fred smirked

"Can't go through the year without one with Snape," George grinned seeing Hally snigger quietly

'Hey Harry, dare me to get detention with dad,' Hally thought to her brother seeing him grin at her

Fred noticed the look on Harry's face, "What is Lady Hex up to, we want in," Fred nudged the raven haired boy

"Heh, she wants me to dare her to get detention with Snape," Harry whispered grinning

"Do it man, we know what she's up to now, Mrs. Norris," the Weasley twins cackled quietly

Harry looked at them confused, "What about Mrs. Norris?" Harry questioned the two

"You'll find out, if you both can think to each other, then you can see through each others eyes man, every year Lady Hex gives Mrs. Norris a cauldron squeak," Fred explained

Harry's eyes went wide, "Cauldron squeak?" Harry pressed

"Yeah, she puts Filches cat inside Snapes cauldrons shining them up with Mrs. Norris covered in polish," George sniggered quietly

Harry began to grin slowly over that bit of information, "I have got to see that one," He simply said before thinking back to his little sister.

'Go for it little sis,' Harry thought to Hally seeing Hally grin evilly

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