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"Hi babe" jennie cooed at the girl that was about to get in the front seat.

"Hi to you too" she smiled back at the girl who was seated beside her. dropping her bag at the dirty car floor.

"Good morning lisa" hobi smiled at her sister's girlfriend, receiving a cute smile from lisa as a respond from his greetings earlier.

jennie moved closer to the girl only to give her a quick peck on the lips, leaving the gurl with the reddish and brownish hair flushed and speechless.

"ew! To much PDA" the little ball of sunshine whined out, covering both of his eyes and his red face with his hands. Jennie just smirking at how she got both of the younger flushed so easily.

jennie stepped at the gas and started to drive off to school. Not minding the slow down's of her passengers.


Hobi was finally in-front of his school, his heart racing at how nervous he is. This was his first time at a school this big, but mostly this expensive. Even though hoseok's family was pretty rich, his conscience just can' help but tell him to do his best so that the money his mom paid to this school is not wasted.

He finally started to walking, stopping at the very entrance of the school. His mind piling up with thoughts of 'should I go?' or 'do i even fit in here' and 'am I even welcome here?'

He was finally snapped out his thoughts when he was confronted by a very muscular guy with blond hair and very puffy cheeks. He looked up at the blond dude only to get a smile from him, leaving hobi thinking at how he looks so much like a mochi.

"Hi! Welcome to Bighit High" the blond guy joyfully chirped at hobi, startling him a little. "I'm Jimin the schools vise president and I will be the one giving you the tour of our school" the so called jimin wrapped his arm around the smaller boys waist, making him red as a tomato. The mochi looking guy started walking around the school campus. Showing him the cafeteria, the basketball court, the football field, and a-lot more of places. The last thing jimin showed hobi was his locker.

"Now that you know which places are where, here is your schedule and the books that you'll be needing" jimin handed the schedule to him and opened hobi's locker to show the books he will be needing through out the school year.

"by the way before i leave, can i please know your name" Jimin looked at hoseok, giving him a warm smile. "you've been so quiet throughout the tour, I'm starting to think that you can't speak" hoseok laughed at what the blond haired boy just said.

"I'm Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hobi for short" the red head smiled at jimin, shaking the mochi looking guy's hand when he reached out for hobi's hand.

"well its nice meeting you hobi, oh and I only excused you for the first class so you better get going before you arrive late to your second one" Hobi bowed at jimin and said thank you, waiving goodbye to him when he finally started walking away from him.

'what a nice guy' hobi thought to himself as he walked to his next class, fixing his glasses and clutching at the schedule paper jimin gave him.

'Damn! Now that is a nice ass!' jimin thought himself as he stared at the red head's peach when he walked away. Licking his bottom lip at how the so called hobi swayed his hips side to side.


sorry for this very short and boring chapter but is still hope you liked it.

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