chapter 12

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sorry for the late update, I'll try my best to update as frequent as possible

also thank you so much for 5k readers!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ * ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

12:03 PM

"you guys can eat shit!" a boy with silver hair exclaimed as he walked towards his group of friends.

'good morning tae' and 'hi' were the only things that could be heard come out of his friends mouth. All the guys seemed unfazed and almost acted as if this was a normal thing for taehyung to do. Which it was.

"I went on a date~" he lied, but the boy still continued to cockily say it, raising one of his eyebrows as he caught some of the guys attention.

"so who's the unlucky lady that had to spend their saturday with you?" yoongi perked the corner of his lips up as a forthright statement slipped out of his mouth.

"it's not a lady yoongi..." the boy remarked, his voice filled with informality and casualness. Only resulting in him getting smacked on the back of the head with the elders hand. He laughed it off and continued what he was about to say.

"it's a he" they all looked at the said boy with knotted eyebrows, currently in disbelief as to why and how he got a date with a guy they haven't even met, known, or got introduced to by taehyung before.

"well.... who is he?" the mother of the group excitedly asked, his voice being filled with content and satisfaction that his little V got a date and is already growing up. He held the silver  haired boy's hand and showed the biggest smile, the others following along as they too were, kind of, proud at the little accomplishment V did.

You see taehyung isn't the typical guy you think he is. Back then he had a very bad reputation of being known as the schools fuckboy. He would seriously screw anybody who would ask him, he didn't care if  you were a guy, girl, teacher or even an alien, if you have a hole, you're good to go. Taehyung was also know as a libertine, at first he seduces you, makes you think he likes you, acts all kind and sweet and treats you as if you were the most precious thing on earth. But as soon as you give him that one opportunity to 'make love to you' you can forget about everything he did and say about and to you, cause the next day will be like as if nothing ever happened between you and him.

But that was the past, that was before he met the group of friends he has right now. They helped him change, made him see that what he was doing was heartless, arrogant and ignorant. They, mostly jin, kept him company while his parents were off to some business trip. This aided his vices and thankfully he turned into something similar to an angel.

"just spit it and out already!" a boy with blonde hair shouted out loud, catching some of the students attention who walked by their table.

Taehyung looked at the boy who just moments ago squawked at him and smiled, he turned his gaze back to jin, gripping on the elders hand tightly, before finally opening his mouth.

"I went on a date with hobi"

As soon as they heard the name of the said man taehyung went on a date with, their faces instantly turned from proud and joyful to expressions that says 'hUwAt?' and 'I'm going to kill you'. Jin immediately flicked the young latter's hand away from his, enlarging his eyes a bit as he looked away from him.

Meanwhile, taehyung just had a naughty grin plastered on his face, feeling himself a bit to much, he leaned back and crossed his legs, in a manly way, as he joyfully watched his friends stare at him in incredulity and irritation.

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