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So sorry if my story is currently boring you out and super slow, i just like taking my time guys, I hope you don't mind, but anyways back to the story.

•*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ * ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*•

It's already been 30 minutes since yugyeom has fallen asleep and since the power went back on, and to be honest hobi was already starting to feel as sleepy as the boy who was seated on his lap, his eyelids getting heavier as each second passes by.

Seeing at how he can't sleep at a time and place like this, he decided to just wake the little silver head up. He rubbed the boy's back, not too hard and not too soft, just enough pressure to wake him up.

"hey uh yuggie? don't want to ruin your dream but we need to get out of this closet" Hobi tried to push the other male away, in hopes to see if he has woken up but it only resulted in the other male hugging on the red headed boy's neck even tighter.

"no" said the other male in a drowsy manner. Hobi smiled at the males reply, thinking at how he's like the younger brother he's always been dreaming about.

"Come on yuggie, aren't you starving?" upon hearing what hobi said, the other male immediately faced him with still half lidded eyes, while rubbing the other one with the back of his hand. He shook his head downwards in response to hoseok's question.

"well, since you and I haven't eaten yet, let's go to the cafeteria and maybe get some lunch?" the red head patted yugyeom's shoulder, signaling him to stand up, in which yugyeom did so sluggishly. Once they were up, hobi pushed one of the closet away from them, giving enough space for them to walk right out. Yugyeom stood in front of the closet door, opening it slightly and peeking right through, checking if the cost is clear. Seeing that nobody is there, he sighed and fully opened the door, him and hobi finally exiting that dirty closet.

"soooo yugyeom...... mind telling me why and who were you running away from?" Hoseok looked at the boy with worried eyes, wrapping his arm around yugyeom as they walked to the cafeteria, Hoping that his question didn't make yugyeom feel in any way unhappy or uncomfortable.

"oh don't mind it.... it's nothing" the silver head looked up at hobi and gave him a reassuring smile, wishing that hoseok would just omit to it. To yugyeom's relief, hobi just smiled too and nodded his head at him.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ * ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"It's nice to finally see you go to school yoongi hyung" jimin said to the blue haired boy who was walking up to their table, exaggerating the word 'finally' as he rolled his eyes.

"Nice to see you too jimin" the so called yoongi said in response. He sat down and took a bite of his burrito, not even looking at the other people who was seated around him. Until one of them spoke

"why didn't you go to school for like a whole month?" a guy with pink colored hair asked as he continuous to read the book he currently had in his hands.

"I just didn't feel like it...." yoongi responded bluntly, still chewing on his food.

"well hyung, as the class and school president I need you to keep you attendance in check" The pink haired man sternly said to yoongi as he shut his book close and looked directly at him. His eyes filled with worry and a slight annoyance as to why the blue haired boy wouldn't just go to school.

"alright namjoon..... I'll go to school" yoongi responded, still not making eye contact with the said man named namjoon or with anyone that was seated on the table.

"we're just worried about you" a man with black hair and broad shoulders lovingly said, placing his hand above yoongi's, hoping that the other male would just look him.

"hmmm..... " yoongi hummed, glancing up from his meal to the owner of the hand who was currently holding onto his, the said man smiling in return at yoongi's action. The younger of the two just shook his head and smirked, looking back to his burrito and was about to take a bite when a sudden red head caught his attention.

He walked in the cafeteria with most biggest and brightest smile yoongi as ever seen or even laid eyes, along his side was another male with silver hair  and a lighter skin tone and just like the red head he was smiling too, but he didn't have the same aura as the other male, his was different, and yoongi just so happened to like it.

"who's he?" the blue haired male questioned aloud, his friends looking at the guy that yoongi currently has his gaze fixated on, immediately.

"oh... you mean him?" yoongi looked for the owner of the voice and nodded when he saw jimin pointing towards the red head, i mean 'his' red head.

"he's jung hoseok, or hobi for short, he's new and just transferred here" the blond said, his gaze never leaving the boy as he spoke, and so were the other members who was seated around the table.

Their eyes raking over at the young one's physic as he walked to one of the vending machines. Some of them were already having fantasies about hobi, some were already eye-fucking our little angel, but I mean who wouldn't? But of course hosoek just had to bend down and grab his snack at the opening of the machine, lips were being bitten and licked on, heads were moving downwards, in hopes of getting a better view and some already had semi-hard erections.

Except for jungkook though, his eyes were only preoccupied by the other male the so called hobi was with, there was just something about the silver haired boy that caught his attention.

"dibs" they all unknowingly said at the same time, immediately looking at each other with faces like 'are you serious' or 'you've got to be kidding me' and 'may the best man win'

Each of the members sat quietly around the table, already having plans on how to get to hobi and how their gonna win his heart, but it's mostly about how get into his pants and have him writhing under them.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ * ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Hope you guys liked this chapter....

Please leave comments or maybe any suggestions on how you think i can improve this story

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