Three. Nexus.

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          I know where Ola is. I promised I wouldn't say anything because she only told me. That's why I shrugged at Tay. They don't know. They can't know. It's not exactly something you want to shout from the rooftops anyway so I shouldn't give them something to worry about. I realise I've completely zoned out of the conversation and blink, refocusing my vision.

          I catch Isla's eye. I keep finding her looking at me lately. She has really big green eyes, the kind that pick out every tiny detail, that you get lost in when you stare into them for too long. Like Medusa.

          I shake my head, not wanting to think of Isla as Medusa. Isla is really nice and imagining her as a monster who turns people to stone is ridiculous. I feel my face burn and I look away, turning my attention back to Tay and Lexi. They're talking about school but I can tell Tamara is still worried about Ola.

          "Yeah, I heard Konur say someone's moving to our school," Lexi comments, "They're supposed to be in our tutor group as well." Tay's eyes spark into life.

          "What's they're name?" she asks, standing up, eager for an answer.

          "Um, I'm not sure but I know it's a guy, not a girl" The brown-green of Tay's eyes dull and she hugs herself, sinking back down onto the bench. I'd heard of her run in with Callum at KaiMoore and feel a rush of sympathy for her; as I look over at Trys, I realise he has noticed too. He bows his head, unable to think of anything to say and too ashamed to admit it.

          I listen back into the discussion and hear Trystan talking about a girl called Alice from Saffsby Seniors. He says that everyone's talking about how she won this competition from a newspaper, one of the crosswords or something, and received £2,000. I roll my eyes. Alice doesn't interest me. She's stuck up, a posh girl who used to go to a private school. I have no idea why she moved to ours, and frankly, I don't care.

          Again, I zone back in to the chat. Lexi's talking about Sammi now.

          "I can't believe she's going out with Aiden!" she exclaims, a disgusted look on her face. "Him of all people?!" Trys smiles, his eyes glinting mischievously.

          "My baby isn't jealous is she?" he laughs, playfully shoving her shoulder. She gazes up at him and he leans down, kissing her gently on the lips.

          "Never," she whispers. They start to go all lovey-dovey on us and we all share an awkward glance.

          "Get a room!" Tay shakes her head sarcastically and a ripple of amusement passes through us all. I swivel around as if to talk to Ola and remember that she isn't here. There's just this gaping hole where she normally sits; my shoulders slump.

          I hear footsteps as Isla comes and sits next to me.

          "Are you OK?" Her eyes are round and I struggle to meet them. "Are you worried about Ola?" I look at the others and see they are still talking amongst themselves.

          "You are, I know you are." She has a really soothing voice and I feel my eyes drop to the floor with weariness. She gasps.

          "You know where she is don't you!"

Funhouse (Incomplete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora