Twenty One. Nexus.

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          I bolt out of the doors, the book slowly sliding out from under my arm. I have to hoist it up often but I can't afford to drop this. And with my luck it would probably fall straight down a drain, or something stupid like that. 

          I realise that I don't really know where I'm heading and stop to think, and to catch my breath. As I pant heavily, I look at my phone, immediately reminding me of Trys. I have to go to his house. The others will be there. Waiting for the throbbing in my throat to die down, I message Lexi and then start to walk again, my pace quick but not too draining. It takes a short while to get to Trystan's as he lives a few blocks away, but when I do I'm disappointed by the fact that Andrea's car is missing. I wonder if Gavin is home but if Andrea is out looking for Trys - I suppose anyway - he probably would be too.

          I'm about to turn to leave when I see the blinds move in the upstairs bathroom. I rub my eyes, but as I open them, the blinds are parted and I see two green eyes peering out. The blinds close again and I run to the door, pummelling with my fists.

          "Who's there? Please, is Trys okay?!" I yell. I lift the letterbox and look through. Startled, I jump backwards as a figure emerges from the gloomy corridor. I hear the catch unbuckle and the click of the lock before the door opens a crack. "Please! Open the door!" I call but that just causes the tiny space to thin. I attempt to wedge my foot between the door and frame but the gap is too small. I change my tactics. "Please," I beg, "I need to know he's okay." There's an extensive pause, and I begin to think my pleading didn't work, until the door is pulled open.

          "I don't know if he's okay Nex. I'm terrified." My eyes widen as I see Isla stood in the doorway, her whole body trembling. I rush towards her and wrap my arms around her. We stand like that for a while. I can feel her sobbing into my clothes, her chest racked with heavy shudders, and it almost brings me to tears. I resist the urge to let them fall. As we pull apart, I look at her. She's covered in make up, black streaks tracing a line of distress down her cheeks, smudges of worry depicted by her lipstick.

         "Why are you here? Where is everyone?" I know it's the wrong thing to say but I need answers desperately.

          "We all came round here to help find Trys. There were two police officers here, but when they were talking to us, they got a call... from the lake," She averts her eyes. "I went upstairs, and when I came back they were gone. I haven't heard anything since." My mind struggles to comprehend what she's saying.

          "I don't understand? Why would Trys be anywhere near the lake?" I furrow my brow.

          "I don't know, that's what everyone was saying," She meets my eye again. "No one knows anything." I release a long sigh and then digest what she's said.

          "Hang on... why aren't you with them? Did they ask you to stay?" She shakes her head. "Why were you upstairs?" Her emerald eyes drop to the floor and she traces circles on the back of one of her hands. "Isla!" She flinches at my sharp tone.

          "I - I'm sorry," she finally says , though I know I'm the one who should be apologising for snapping, "It's just... I couldn't control it, not this time." My whole body turns rigid although I want to step towards her. I can tell even from a distance that she's shaking; tremors are radiating off her like an earthquake. 

          "Oh Isla..." I trail off.

          "Yes. It happened again."

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