Eleven. Alexia.

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          After Trystan leaves, I head upstairs to my room, greeting Mum as I pass her bedroom. I'm so tired and usually I would get trapped in a YouTube wormhole, but tonight I'm way too exhausted to bother. I get changed, put my phone on charge and shuffle into the bathroom, my eyelids heavy, but still thick with make up. Hastily, I wipe off my make up in the mirror, scrubbing at the layers I have painted upon my skin. I put the wipe in the bin and reach for my toothbrush, and as I do so I catch sight of something in the cupboard mirror.

          I let out a short screech, as I see a figure stood by the shower curtain, its posture concealing its face, its clothing coating its skin in shadows. I see a glint of something like glee in its glowing eyes and a hint of a smirk on its lips, even though its face is wrapped in a shawl of darkness. And then I blink. And then it's gone.

          My mind is racing and my heart is thumping loudly, hammering on my chest like a condemned prisoner. I sit down on the edge of the bath, staring at the space where the silhouette had just stood. It takes a while for my heart rate to slow back down, but eventually I reach that point and cautiously exit the room, my legs still trembling with fear. I turn on the landing light and peer around, half expecting the figure to be grinning at me from the corner. But it's not. I breathe a sigh of relief and tread quietly to my room and pick up my phone.

          Babe, you there? I need to talk to you urgently. Love you xxxx

           I send the message to Trys and then close my curtains, daring a hasty look outside in the process, but seeing nothing. Reassured that the figure is gone, I hop into bed, after switching off the lights, and wrap the covers around my body, enclosing myself in a bubble away from the rest of the world. I sigh deeply. I can feel my body shaking, still trembling from the earlier events. I turn my phone screen on but Trys hasn't texted back. Usually he replies straight away, but maybe he's eating or having a shower or something.

         I hug it close to my chest and stay, curled in a ball until I drift off to sleep.


          I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. Groggily, I fumble for it in the dark and narrow my eyes against the harsh glow as it lights up my room. Andrea. I furrow my brow. Why would Trystan's mum be ringing me at - I look at my clock - 1:24 am? Rolling my eyes, I answer quietly.


          "Oh Lexi, thank God you're awake," I laugh lightly under my breath. "Is Trys with you?" I freeze. I realise that he hasn't answered my text.

          "Um... no... why?" I hear Andrea let out a small cry at the other end of the line.

          "He hasn't come home, I'm so worried Lexi. When did you last see him?" I force myself to think about yesterday but my mind is clouded with worry.

          "Um," I stutter, "He dropped me off at home, but you literally live a minute away. I don't understand where he could have gone." Andrea's end of the line falls silent. "Andrea?" I can slightly make out the sound of Gavin's voice as he tries to soothe his wife, and ball my hands in a fist, concern causing me to tense up.

          "I-I don't know," she finally manages to choke out, "I'm scared, so so scared."

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