Six. Trystan.

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          Lexi's body falls limp as she drifts off to sleep. I could tell for a while that she was becoming weary. I lightly shake her awake as I can't get up and she blinks slowly. As she stumbles to her feet, I grab her hand and lead her to the top of the stairs where Tay is waiting. It takes a while to get to the bottom of the stairs but eventually we make it and we all walk along the seafront together. At the bus stop, Tay breaks off and takes the path through Gateway Field whilst Lexi and I go down Stalemate Road. Her house is in the middle of the row and I leave her at the door.

          As I round the corner at the end of the street, I hear a cry straight ahead. In front of me is the tunnel to the train station, which also leads under the main road to the woods. I know the path I have to take is to turn right and carry on through the streets but I can't get that sound out of my head. Again, a scream rings out, more desperate this time and I take a step towards the passage.

          The light flickers above my head as I enter the tunnel. I can hear my heart pumping, the blood in my ears roaring, my conscience telling me to run in the other direction and not look back. But I can't stop now. The screech comes again, sounding more muffled, and I peer into the shadows.

          It hides nothing.

          A stone, somewhere on my left, clatters to the ground and my head snaps round. I see the hint of a figure before it darts off and I give chase, half hoping the scream would come again so I knew which direction to go. My only hope is to follow the silhouette. It disappears and I curse under my breath, slowing to a stop. A side tunnel which I hadn't noticed before now slips into my vision and, slowly, I tip toe to the entrance. In the doorway, I realise someone had attempted to cover the front with a veil and cobwebs.

          I duck, suddenly realising how dangerous this could be. For all I know, there could be a murderer in the side tunnel.

         However, I've come too far to turn back now. Stealthily, I creep into the tunnel, keeping low. I'm halfway down the passage when I hear it. I turn round in an attempt to defend myself.

          The last thing I see is a figure poised with a hammer standing in front of me, before I'm knocked unconscious.

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