Twenty. Ola.

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        I can hear sirens outside. I wonder what they're for. Or rather, who they're for. Someone hurt, just the way I'm hurting now. Physically. Emotionally. Any other way I could be hurting, I'm definitely feeling the pain. I don't want to open the curtains.

          I've grown to like the dark. I used to be afraid of it. But now I find it... comforting. A sort of blanket... to hold me tight. Anyway, I've learnt that you shouldn't be afraid of the dark itself. Only of the things hidden in the shadows, lurking behind the smokescreen. I know that's common knowledge now, but it's still one of my favourite thoughts. I feel like there are connotations of it. Like with people.

          You've probably heard 'never judge a book by its cover'. Who hasn't. It's saying that beauty can be found within if you give it enough time to peek out from the shadows. 

          But it works the other way too. People can put on a show. Of being horrible when really they've just been hurt in the past. Of being okay when really they're trying to cover it up. I know a lot about that one. Pretending to be happy just so you don't need to explain yourself to others, make them feel worse for not being able to help.

          But the scariest one, is when people play the part of being kind, when really they're insufferable. When all they want is to knock on the door, and then once you let them in, smash down your walls and trample all over your things, leaving you in a worse state than before. The trail of a hurricane. An unnatural disaster. Because it's not natural for people to do things like that. And it's not natural to be the one in the middle. To be the victim.

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