Nine. Nexus.

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          Isla's green eyes are full of sympathy. I'm stood in her doorway, waiting to know she's safely inside her home. But she won't leave. She reaches up and puts her arms around my neck and my hands slide around her waist in a tight embrace. I hear her sigh, and I hold her for a moment longer before she lets go.

          "Thank you for trusting me," she smiles awkwardly and I look down at her warmly.

          "No, thank you for not telling," I wink knowingly and she taps her nose before giggling and turning to the door. "Goodnight Isla," I call out gently. As she closes the door she whispers,

          "Goodnight Nexus." I wait for the click of the handle and the bolt of the lock before setting off into the darkness. I think over what has just happened. I hope I can trust Isla. Ola would never forgive me if this got out. I raise an eyebrow at my own thoughts. Why would I have a reason not to trust Isla?

          My footsteps feel loud as I trample down the dimly lit road. I turn onto my street as the faulty street lamp flickers above me, radiating a low buzz. I hear other footsteps up ahead and train my eyes on the floor as the dark figure brushes past me. His steps are wild and fast as if he's half-running and I feel like I should ask him if he's okay. But I don't. I keep walking.

          All the lights in my house seem to be on and I can see the silhouette of Harvey outlined in his window as I near it. I pull out my key and unlock the door, relocking it as I close it again. After I've kicked off my trainers, I walk into the kitchen where Mum is making a cup of tea and smile at her weakly.

          "Hi honey, Dad's in the living room and Harvey's upstairs. Cuppa?" she asks, her brown eyes alight with warmth.

          "Please! I could do with one after the day I've had." She rolls her eyes at me, a light chuckle on her lips.

          "And why would that be? Because every day seems to be a drag for you Nex." She raises her eyebrows and I shake my head sarcastically, before strolling into the living room.

          "Alright Nex?" Dad looks up from the newspaper he's reading and I nod vaguely.

          "How was work?" He shrugs.

          "Same old!" I laugh and leave him to it, running upstairs to my room. I switch on my light. The dark walls, usually so homely, threaten to cave in, my claustrophobia triggered. Somehow the red of my belongings turns a thick crimson and I shut my eyes in an attempt to block it out. The silence welcomes me. I sit for a short while in the quiet blackness.

          Shuddering, I reopen my eyes, my room back to normal, my mind regaining balance. Plugging in my earphones, I turn on some music and switch my desk lamp on to try and finish my English homework but my eyes make the letters dance on the page. I reach for my glasses; the late night had made my eyesight a mess and I sigh rubbing them. As I place them on my face, I notice a large clean crack through the centre of the left lens and I rack my brain as to how this could have happened.

          "Harv!" I call, and when I receive no answer I shout a little louder. He rushes into my room, his dark eyes wide. I point at my glasses and he backs away a little.

          "I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened. George was round and I wanted to be funny but they fell and smashed. I thought if I left them in your case you wouldn't notice," he half-smiles sheepishly. I feel the urge to slap him in the face at that very moment but I hold myself back and place my hands on his shoulders.

          "Next time, don't use my glasses, use Dad's. Then see what happens," I grin sarcastically and slam the door in his face. Great! Now I can't see properly. Today's going perfectly! I sit down at my desk, head in hands, and then do as much of the homework as I can before my eye sockets ache. Black dots dip into my vision and I know I should sleep but my mind is still racing from the talk with Isla. Mum knocks on my door and brings in a warm cup of tea and I gulp it down, turning my attention back to Isla.

          She had been understanding of course, but guilt was still eating away at me. I half-wish I hadn't told her but if I had to choose anyone from the group to tell, I would have chosen her to be fair. My phone lights up and I struggle to read the screen.

          Isla: Thanks for telling me Nex. You couldn't carry that burden alone. I'm always here if you need me xxx

          I message her back within a few moments but I'm pretty sure the words are all jumbled so I'd be surprised if she can actually read it. I instantly receive another text and I'm mildly impressed that Isla can type that fast. But the screen doesn't say Isla. It says Ola. I tap it quickly and there's one message from her.

          Ola: It's over.

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