Chapter 8

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Sydney's POV:

I Woke up Early in the Morning like Usual Exept I Felt really Happy.I got a Note last Night From Armin Last Night telling me he Loved me.Armin.He was My CC(Cartoon Crush) and I was Really Excited.I felt like I could Scream,but  I Didn't.

"Time to Wake up!"I Told my Friends.I smiled and walked to the Bathroom and Started to Undress."What's up with her?Is She Possesed?!"I heard Maddie say."I think it was The Note."Whit Guessed."Most Likely."Dakota Agreed.

When I was Dressed,I walked out with Excitement.Dakota,Maddie,and Whit where a little Taken Aback by the Sight of me.Mostly Because For the Past Month I would wake up and Not Even Try to Get them up and I was Practically The Walking Dead.I smiled at The Sight of Them"Good Morning!Don't Forget about The 3DMG Test Today!"I Reminded them.

Maddie Tackle-Hugged me."OHMIGOSH!YOU'RE NOT MAD AT US ANYMORE!"Dakota Didn't Hesitate to Tackle-Hug me either Even Though I was on The Ground.When They pulled me up,Whit Tackle-Hugged me but I didn't Fall.We all Laughed at his Silly Atempt at it.

"Hurry up and Dress.Meet Me and Nicole in the Mess Hall in 10!"I stated and Walked Out.I thought about What Happened Over the Past Month.I walked in on Maddie and Levi,Corporal Levi,Hugging in The Bathroom Which Kinda Scared me and Nicole and Marco were Now Dating.I also Heard Dakota say Something about Her liking Eren and I wanted to tell him SOOOOO BAD,But I kept it a Secret for her Sake.(SOOOOOOO KAWAII!!!!!!!)

I walked to The Mess Hall and Entered seeing Nicole there."Hi!"I Waved at her.She Smiled at me saying,"Sydney!You're Back to your Normal Self!"She also Tackle-Hugged me.I Smiled and said,"After that Note,I feel Better knowing He Likes Me!"Nicole said,"I would soooooo Kill if you guys did!"I felt like I could Do anything."YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Dakota and Maddie Interupped us.Nicole and I Couldn't Help but Laugh at them.

"Where's Whit?"I asked them."He's Using the Bathroom."Dakota said.Her and Maddie went and Got Breakfast and Sat Down where We Sat Before all that Happened.When Whit Finally came,He sat Down to my Right.Nicole was on my Left with Dakota in Front of me and Maddie to her Left."So How's You and Marco doing?"I asked Nicole.Since we're usually there a Good 10 to 20 Minutes before Other Cadets even got up.

"Without the Complainments of Jean,Yeah just Fine!"She answered me Back."Cool."I said,Munching on my Bread."Guys,We need to Pass this Test Today.Otherwise..."I Left Off."Yes,We know Sydney.We've Already Discussed this."Whit Informed me."Okay.Just Making Sure,"I said,"Also,What would happen if They found out They're in a TV Show And also a Comic?"I said in a Hushed Voice.

I heard Voices outside and Looked over Whit to see  Eren,Mikasa,and Armin enter.I looked back to my food and Blushed a Light Pink that Gradually turned Darker.When it came to My Crush,I was REALLY Shy."Sydney,You Ok?You're Turning Red."Dakota Whispered to me.Some more Cadets entered.They were Really Noisy."Or is it...Love?"I blushed more."So what?You have a Crush on Eren!"I Whispered back to her.Light Pink Dusted her Cheeks,"Hey!Only I can make fun of you for your Crush!"

"Guys!Be Quiet!"Maddie hissed at us."Ok."I said."Fine,If you insist."Dakota Sighed.We chatted some more as we ate Hungrily at our food.When we we Done we Headed Outside.

It had been about 5 minutes and It was finally time for our 3DMG Test.They took us outside and told us what to do,but Only Two Sentence Stuck in my Mind like a Picture with Fresh Glue stuck on the Side of a Project.

"Whoever Passes Stays and Will Learn More about the Titans and how to kill them.Whoever Doesn't Goes Home with Defeat Always Fresh in their Mind."

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